You didn’t come this far to only come this far. You were motivated to come as far as you can already, don’t quit just when the game is about to get good. See things through and finish it out. Otherwise, you’re standing on the sidelines watching others achieve what you wanted to achieve.
You are a force to be reckoned with. Don’t let yourself quit. Take it from someone who quit many times before only to be filled with regrets down the road. I worked in an industry that I loved for my first job out of college. After three years of work, I quit and switched industries.
I only quit because the boss was so bad. My old company switched a bad boss to a good boss the last day of my job. I can’t imagine how far along I would have been if I didn’t give up and stayed at the company. After talking with recruiters throughout the city, one thing became crystal clear.
There was no way I can return to the old industry. None of the companies wanted me after I switched industries to another one. The prior company put me on an accelerated path with timely promotions and good compensation. All of that is gone and I have no way of going back.
Don’t you dare quit. You didn’t come this far to only come this far. You achieved so much already, why would you want to throw away everything you worked so hard to build? The decision to change course to a completely new path isn’t easily reversible.
It’s more difficult than others are making it out to be. Stay the course and continue down the path you chose for yourself. You’ll be amazed.
You Didn’t Come this Far to Only Come This Far Meaning
What does the saying you didn’t come this far to only come this far mean? It means that quitting is not an option. You’ve sacrificed and put in so much effort to get to where you are today. There are very few good reasons why you should give up and throw everything away.
I used to think that the “don’t give up” slogans with the motivational posters plastered all across gyms, universities, commercials, and ads were just feel good advice. Who doesn’t feel good by the saying “never give up?” It truly isn’t. Now I understand that it was actually factually correct advice.
So many quit just when they are about to hit some major gold. They look at all of the effort they already put in with no results so far and think it’s a good time to quit. That’s wrong. The first half of the game is all of the effort that you put in. The second half of the game is when you reap the results.
Too many people are impatient. Remember that everything you did two years ago lead to your life today. Everything you do today will yield results for you two years down the road. Too many people are unwilling to wait an entire two years for their results to show. That’s when the vast majority throw in the towel.
Quitting is not an option. Failure is an option because it’s based on factors you don’t control. However, don’t you dare ever quit. You didn’t come this far to only come this far. There’s more game left to play and you’re still in the ring. Promise me that the only way you’ll leave the game is if others throw and push you out.
Otherwise, you’re here to stay and keep forging onto your path.
Exception to the Rule
There is one and only one exception to the “you didn’t come this far to only come this far” rule. That exception is if you’ve put in effort for a good bit of time, think a year or so, and yield absolutely no results. However, even then, that doesn’t mean that you quit and leave the game. It means that you are changing what you are doing.
It’s not that you’re starting over down a completely new path. It’s that you are tweaking your efforts that got you to how far you’re already at. Do something different. You’re still going to put in effort to try and go further down your path.
However, the way you are putting in your effort will be different. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. That’s not you. If you’re trying to get a promotion, you’re not just working 45 hours a week this year. You’re going to work 50 – 60 hours a week.
Then after you put in that effort, you make the all important ask for that raise and promotion that you deserve. Whatever you want to achieve, if you aren’t getting any results from it, you are changing your effort. However, you are still going to put in the effort and building your dreams.
The effort might be different but the end result is that you are still going to move forward.
Why You Didn’t Come This Far to Only Come This Far
There are many reasons why you didn’t come this far to only come this far. One of those reasons can be to SMASH that social share button and post to your favorite social media for your friends! If this article can help just one of your friends stop from quitting too soon, I’ll be very happy.
Everyone likes to say “don’t quit” but no one really gives concrete reasons to convince you why you really shouldn’t. There are legitimate reasons not to, it’s not just a motivational poster that you hang in your room. It has real life consequences to your life.
1) You are Just About to Cross the Finish Line
This is the absolute number one reason why you didn’t come this far only to come this far. The victory is so close yet you don’t feel it because it’s not within eyesight. Let’s be honest. You don’t put effort into something to yield no results. You put in effort because you expect positive results.
So when you see zero results, you get discouraged. You’re probably happy with even negative results because you know what you need to adjust. Humans crave feedback to know whether what they’re doing is wrong or right. Zero feedback is what bothers us the most.
Therefore, when we think our effort was for nothing and we decide to give up. That’s a mistake. Too many people don’t understand that success is literally just around the corner but that they can’t see it. How many bloggers decide to give up after 6 months?
90% of bloggers do. Most likely, they gave up just when the most interesting part of the game was about to show up in the second half.
2) Nothing Worth Doing is Easy
If your goals have fierce competition, it means you are reaching for something worth fighting for. If no one wants to go after your goals, it means your goals aren’t worth pursuing in the first place. People are well educated. When they see a good opportunity, people pounce on them.
When you are fighting and competing against others, it means you’re on the right path. There are diligent and relentless people out there willing to get up at 6 A.M. in order to compete against the next person in line. This makes it harder for you to dig deep and have motivation to do the same thing.
Things are not given to you easily at the snap of your fingers. You have to go out and earn it, just like everyone else in the world. Nothing worth doing will ever be easy in your life. Otherwise, everyone would be doing it. All you have to do is keep waking up and put in the hours.
Are you really going to give up just to let others who were fighting against you have what you want?
3) Decisions are Hard to Reverse
I mentioned above of how much I regret leaving my job. My former boss told me “you can always change your decision”. I wish that she instead told me that you didn’t come this far to only come this far. It’s quite difficult, if not impossible to change your decision quickly and easily.
Easy things like what you want to eat for lunch is reversible. However, longer term goals such as your career, health, relationships, and businesses is quite difficult to reverse. It’s much easier to continue down your path rather than re-brand yourself and forge down a completely new path.
Has it been done before? Yes. However, I can’t imagine how far along that person would be towards their goals if they just stayed the course and let time work its magic. You’ll reach your goals eventually by going down a new path but all that time you invested in a prior path is gone to waste just like that.
4) Quitting the Race is Not an Option
Did you make it a part of your New Year’s Resolution to better your finances and reach financial independence? The only way you won’t reach financial independence is if you quit. If you want to be rich and follow the steps it takes to get there, it’s about the most guaranteed way to get there.
There is a chance of failure, but you minimized the chances of failure by following the outlined steps. We’ve all been there on days that was just absolutely horrible and all you want is a minute to yourself. However, your screaming kids in the other room is making that just impossible.
Even then, no matter how bad things get, you didn’t come this far to only come this far. You have more grit than other people thought was possible. Prove them wrong. Teach them that you are a force not to be taken lightly.
5) You Already Came This Far, What’s a Few More Miles?
When you’re thinking of quitting, it’s because you put in so much effort already. You would like to see even better results than the ones you’re seeing now. However, if the case is that you already put in so much more effort, then what’s a few more miles?
What’s one more year of putting in the effort to see where it’ll lead to? Sometimes, the ones who achieved success is because they put in that one more extra year. In tennis, you don’t have to beat your opponent 6-0 to win the entire game. You just have to beat your opponent by one more game.
That’s why you didn’t come this far to only come this far. A few more extra bit of effort can make all the difference in the world. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in just one more year. It’s mind boggling just how long of a time a year actually is. Take advantage of it.
6) You are Working Towards Something Bigger Than You
Think about your loved ones. Yes, they love you for who you are as a person. However, think about how much better you can make their lives by staying in the game. Whenever I’m about to quit, I think about how I’m doing this for my family and my parents who sacrificed so much for me.
My family immigrated to a completely new country they had no idea they would succeed in. To give a life full of opportunities for their children. They sacrificed so much so that I could have a better life than they did. There’s no way that I would ever let them down.
I am willing to do whatever it takes to be successful. The motivation to never quit is already instilled in me due to my loyalty to the people who helped me out. When you are working for something or someone bigger than yourself, you don’t want to quit. You just want to keep going.
7) Are You Really Willing to Go Back to Come This Far Again?
Yes, your prior effort is a sunk cost. However, the time and effort investment has to yield some results. Otherwise, how do you know that you’ll even come up as far as you did with a completely new path? If you’re about to quit this path, what’re the chances you won’t quit the next path?
If the answer is genuinely zero, then you can change course. However, that chance is almost always never zero. Even if there’s a tiny amount of risk, the risk isn’t nonexistent. So then, the risk is two fold. One risk is that you’ll want to quit the new path as well.
The other risk is that you won’t make it as far in the new path as your current one.
That’s a lot of risk that you’re bearing to switch the course. Will the new path really generate that much more results?
8) If You’re Tired, the Opposition is Tired as Well
In the middle of a game, if you feel like you can’t possibly can’t give more, remember the other side feels the exact same way as well. Let them throw in the towel instead of you. Dig in deep and be the last person standing. The one who wins isn’t the one who’s the most skilled.
it’s the one who is still standing after the dust settles. Are you willing to let the other side win and get a walk towards the spoils of war? You can’t think just about yourself when you’re in a game. You have to think about the condition of the other person as well. Your opponent may be hoping and banking on you quitting.
Don’t throw in the towel and quit just when your opponent was about to do the same. It’s the ultimate disservice to yourself. Your coworker may have just been thinking of leaving the company because they didn’t get the promotion. That would leave the door wide open to you.
9) You Are Leaving Behind a Legacy
All of your effort taken individually doesn’t mean anything. However, when taken altogether, it turns into something meaningful and legendary. Did you really only come this far to leave a half finished result for others to relish and admire on?
There’s going to be that one day in your life that’ll make you question why you even considered quitting. One day where you look back and thank your lucky stars that you stayed the course to build something magical and great. Legacies were never built in a single day or even a year.
It was nurtured and constantly tended to to sprout into a small tree. Then over the course of decades, if not centuries, it grew into a giant oak tree. To grow your goals into a giant oak tree, you need constant maintenance and care invested into it.
The legacy that you leave behind isn’t easy to build. It’s worth fighting and continue putting in the effort for.
You Didn’t Come This Far to Only Come This Far
You didn’t come this far to only come this far. Think about your past self. Your past self got you this far. Did they put in all that effort for you to mess everything up? Think about how better your life is today compared to years ago. Truly and honestly evaluate it from an unbiased standpoint.
Are you thankful for your past self for where you are today? That’s great! Now think about how even better your future self’s life will be if you keep putting in the effort. I considered quitting my job and walking away altogether two years ago and taking a year off from all of the stress that I built up over the years.
I’m so glad I didn’t take that route. I can’t imagine just how much progress I would have given up, let alone the ability to afford food during the middle of the pandemic. The relationships I built over the years and the payment I received for my work would have been nonexistent today.
Results show up in a compounded way. The first half of the journey, which is the putting in effort part, is the least fun part. It’s when you don’t see meaningful results that gets you excited to come out of bed. It’s the second half of the journey that matters the most and is the most fun.
That’s when results start to skyrocket. Expect nothing for the first three quarters of the time then enjoy the benefits in the last quarter. You will be amazed how much this compounded growth curve applies to so many situations in all of our lives.
Therefore, promise me that you don’t give up. You didn’t come this far to only come this far.
Why You Didn’t Come This Far to Only Come This Far List:
- You are just about to cross the finish line
- Nothing worth doing is easy
- You will regret leaving the game
- Quitting is not an option
- You already came this far, what’s a few more miles?
- You are working towards something bigger than you
- Are you really willing to walk away and start over?
- If you’re tired, the opposition is tired as well
- You are leaving behind a legacy