The biggest goal in life revolves around love, health, money, and family. Look at your life already and see just how far ahead you came from where you were one, two, or ten years ago. It’s a feat to be proud of and worth continuing to put in effort to improve on. Let time be an ally for you instead of an enemy.
The biggest goal in life that I have is to become a billionaire. I don’t think that I will ever get there, but that’s ok. What I want to do is try to get there. If I fail, I am OK with that. However, I will not be OK with not trying. It’s not for the money that I want to become one, it’s because I want to see how far I can go with my life.
I want to do it by starting a business some day. While I am OK with working, some days I want to work for myself instead of for somebody else. However it ends up working out, all of my readers will get to see the inside scoop on how or if I will ever get there. Stay tuned!
You may be in a completely different path and trajectory than I am. You don’t have to copy what I want to achieve in life. There are plenty of other meaningful goals to fulfill so that you can be happy by the end. Maybe your goal revolves around health and living as long as you possibly can. That’s a good goal to strive towards.
Or maybe it’s to be a better son, daughter, wife, or husband. That’s a good goal as well. Whichever path you choose, as long as you believe it’s good, you have the power to make it good.
Find your Biggest Goal in Life
You want to figure out what your biggest goal in life is. Otherwise, you’re wandering around aimlessly hoping that it finds you. You don’t want to go through life passively like that. You want to be proactive and seek out things that give you joy.
Otherwise, you may continuously wait for something to arrive and find out that it will never reach you. We have one life in this world. It’s valuable and precious. Why not do something meaningful and interesting with it? The world is more vast than we give it credit for and there’s plenty of wonder to see in the world.
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.
– Mark Twain
Once you find out the purpose of why you are alive, you start to find meaning. You start to take steps in order to get there and fulfill your passion and purpose. Remember that progress can be an excellent source of happiness. Going nowhere never made anybody happy.
If you don’t find out what your biggest goal in life is, you will end up wondering where did all that time go. You will end up aimlessly SMASHING that social share button and post to your favorite social media for the Google algorithm without giving it a second thought.
While utterly destroying that social share button for the Google algorithm is a good activity to do, not knowing what you want to do with your life isn’t. I list a number of good life goals to achieve below as you are progressing through the years. You don’t have to achieve all of them, just achieving one is still very good enough.
Biggest Life Goals to Achieve
1) The Absolute Biggest Goal in Life: The Ones You Love Love You Back
The absolute number one goal you should have is for your loved ones to love you back. It’s painful when you love someone and they don’t love you back. This doesn’t just apply to a significant other. If you love your brother but he doesn’t love you back and there’s a good reason behind that, then there’s some work to be done.
The biggest success in life is when love is reciprocated and it should be the absolute biggest goal in life for every one on Earth. It doesn’t matter if you’re a billionaire if your kids and spouse want nothing to do with you. You’re going to come home to an empty house and feel empty.
Like a part of you is gone in this world. Loyalty and love isn’t bought with money. Friends can be bought with money but not genuine friends. See how many people you bought with money actually sticks with you through the end if your money is gone. There’ll most likely be none.
2) Financial Independence
Financial independence is the biggest goal in life for some. The idea of living the way you want to live sounds appealing, doesn’t it? It’s a great goal to achieve and one to be very proud of. This isn’t just limited to the top 1% income earners.
Keep in mind Ronald Read’s story. He was a janitor who became a millionaire through diligent and smart savings habits. If a janitor can become a millionaire, why can’t you? There’s absolutely no reason for you not to reach it.
FIRE (financial independence, retire early) is one of the biggest life goal that I have right now. I’m tired of working for a paycheck. I was destined for bigger and greater things. Until I do reach FIRE, I will quietly do my job. Say “yes sir, may I have another sir?” and keep chugging along.
The pursuit of financial independence actually brings me to..
3) Change Your Mindset
The ultimate goal of financial independence blogs isn’t to get you rich but to change your mindset and habits. If you become rich as a result, that was a side goal. However, no amount of knowing that investing is a good way to go will make you stick with it over the long term. Knowledge is one half of the goal, action is the other half.
Personal finance blogs such as mine is created to help you detox your thinking that’s more than likely been brainwashed by the media. Media manipulation is so prevalent these days that blogs that write about things from a firsthand experience viewpoint should be celebrated.
Without the proper mindset, you can’t ever reach financial independence. If you don’t want to save money and cut back on eating out, you won’t do it. Your actions start with your mindset, thinking, and views. Once you start to have the right mindset that’s necessary for success and building wealth, things will start to happen.
Everything starts with 0. Your mindset is zero. Set it to the right one to where you want to achieve your goals. It doesn’t have to be a dramatic change overnight but a slow change that happens over a long period of time. Remember to note your progress as well.
4) Health
Health should be one of the top priorities you give time and attention to. Without your health, nothing else matters. Your family doesn’t matter if you’re not healthy. You may not even be around to spend time with them. One of the biggest health problems I’ve had was a stiff neck and shoulders.
Whenever I wake up, my neck would hurt like heck all throughout the day. For eight years straight. The doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it and I couldn’t either. When my friend told me that a change of mattress might help, I jumped on it. I spent $300 on a new mattress without thinking twice.
While it’s not completely healed, it’s made the world of a difference. One of your biggest goals in life should be to take care of your health. You only have one body, might as well make the most use out of it.
5) Progress
Progress can make you happy. It can be progress in anything that you would like. It doesn’t have to be to reach financial independence but it can be to improve your health, relationships, or life in general. Make sure to measure your progress.
What isn’t measured can’t be improved.
When you find out that you are actually getting good at something, you start to become happier. Validated that you are a respected person. If you can’t pinpoint the exactly specific biggest goal in life that you want to pursue, aim to achieve progress in your efforts.
When you are good at something and people want to emulate you, you feel better. Progress comes in many shapes and form, find whichever you find the most meaning in and stick with it. Personally, it’s reaching my financial goals but everyone else’s can be different.
6) Being Content
Notice that I said the biggest goal in life is being content, not being happy. Happiness is a good goal to strive towards but being content is even better. If you are content, it means you don’t need any other maintenance activities. You might need continuous maintenance to achieve happiness, but not the feeling of content.
This isn’t about being content with your life. This is about being content with who you are as a person. Ask yourself if you like yourself. Can you genuinely look yourself int he mirror and talk about how great you are?
Self hate is a huge problem that people are facing these days with the invention of social media. The good news is that just as social media can convince you to self-hate, social media can convince you to self-love.
Find whether you are content with yourself. Not just one aspect of yourself but your entire self. If the answer is no, there is room for improvement. The great part is that life is long so you have a great amount of time to be content with yourself. It’s time to get to work.
7) Do and See Interesting things Before You Pass Away
Life doesn’t always need a grand purpose that everyone else should look up to you for. It is perfectly fine for you to experience interesting things, meet interesting people, and do what the average person does before you pass away. You don’t have to become the next Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, you can be whoever you want to be.
This life goal is a build up from being content.
Some people don’t mind living life and going through the motions. Sometimes, people are just content with being good enough and don’t want to be amazing. That is just fine. The biggest goal in life doesn’t have to be a big deal, it can just be to experience life the way it’s supposed to be experienced.
Without the need for partaking in any other goals that were made by other people that says you need a certain goal to be happy.
8) Do Something Extremely Challenging
It can be one of the items in your bucket list. Maybe it’s to overcome a fear of heights by engaging in skydiving. Or something completely different. Whatever it is, testing your limits and seeing how far you can go is not a bad way to go. For me, it’s to start a business and try to make it on my own as an entrepreneur.
I’ve never become an entrepreneur and my family never has either. I remember I would bring in a packet of 10 gums to my elementary school one day and sell all of them for a dollar, total. That was the extent of entrepreneurship experience that I’ve had. Entrepreneurship is the biggest goal in life for me, as of right now.
Whatever challenging goal you choose, if you are being pushed to your limits, you picked a good one. If you are not being challenged enough, you’re not growing or learning. Some days, it’s completely good to be a couch potato. However, doing that all the time doesn’t feel good.
Go for a year long vacation and you’ll be itching to do something new.
Knowing Your Biggest Goal in Life Gives You Purpose
You don’t just have to choose one biggest goal in life from above to achieve. It can be a combination of the above. The point was if you achieve just one of them, I would call your life a success. Whichever goal you do end up choosing, make sure to stick with it over the long term.
Having a life goal gives you purpose and meaning to make progress towards. Achieving a goal takes a large amount of effort, time, and attention to cross the finish line on. It’s hard. However, you want to know what’s even harder? Living a whole life in a vegetative state.
In that state, you’re not moving up, you’re not moving down, you’re just existing. Waiting and passing the time until you draw your final breath. Remember that the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. If someone hates you, it means that they at least care about your existence.
What that means is that even being in the negative in your life is a good thing. There’s movement and something interesting is going on in your life. However, when you are in a neutral state, that’s when it becomes bad. You might fail a lot by taking risks but remember that failing is way better than living your whole life stuck in one place.
That’s how you should approach your biggest goal in life. Failing in one aspect of it is good, succeeding in another is good. What’s bad is if you give up and surrender to live a life in one spot. You want to live a purposeful life and aim for something. Instead of the alternative of living in a completely neutral position. Ups and downs are both good.
Now, What’s Your Biggest Goal in Life?
Now that you are armed with knowledge on good or bad life goals, what’s your biggest goal in life? You may have different goals from the above list to pursue. You may want to become a professional athlete. Whatever your goals are, pick one.
I’ve been feeling frustration the past month over how much I feel trapped. There has been no raises or promotion for my job last year and I felt like I was standing still. I haven’t reached FIRE yet and it is brutal counting the hours and days until I reach FIRE. You don’t want to feel what I’ve been feeling. It’s not a feeling I would wish on my worst enemy.
That’s what happens when you don’t feel like you are making any progress. Avoid feeling frustrated and find out what your biggest goal in life is. You don’t want to ask yourself “where did all of my life go?” You want to live purposefully with specific things you want to accomplish to leave your mark.
Time is precious. It’s the most valuable commodity that we have. Will you spend it being a people pleaser and making others happy or will you spend it pursuing your passions? It’s completely up to you. I have a huge preference for giving life everything I’ve got before I give up and start to relax.
Find out what’s the most important to you and just do it. Don’t ask for anyone’s permission to be great, just go ahead and be great. It’s not who’s going to let you, it’s who’s going to stop you? No one because you’re not letting anyone stop you. Fearlessly and ruthlessly go for the things that you want and be amazed at how far you can go.
It’s probably farther than you’ve ever thought possible.
Biggest Goals in Life List:
- The ones you love love you back
- Financial independence
- Change your mindset
- Health
- Progress
- Being content
- Do and see interesting things before you pass away
- Do something extremely challenging
One of my biggest goals in life is hopefully to reach a certain point wherein I do not have to worry about money anymore. To be honest, I’m getting tired of it and hopefully all of the effort that I’m putting in right now will help me get to that point. 🙂
Me too, I really don’t like having to think about the price tag and budget whenever I’m out and about and see something that I want to buy..
One day we’ll both get there and highlight it in our blog! Not thinking or worrying about money must be super nice.