Don’t talk about your goals because you are more likely to not achieve your goals after talking about them. The more you talk about your goals, the more it feels like you already achieved your goals. You lose your motivation to try as hard as you can, as a result.
I’ve been there before. I thought 2022 was going to be my breakthrough year in which I become a millionaire. So I told everyone about it, before even knowing whether the goal can be achievable or not. Nothing could’ve been further from the truth.
Not only did I not get to the millionaire status, I was just happy for my net worth to break even after all year. Let that sink in. I was hoping to break even after working hard ALL YEAR. The bear market of 2022 really did a number on my finances, goals, and expectations.
It really happens. As a result, I became even more depressed than if I never said my goals in the first place. Don’t talk about your goals. There’s just nothing positive that happens for you. It’s positive for the world because they get to now see what happens next.
It’s not positive for you. That heavy burden isn’t worth it.
Don’t Talk About Your Goals: 9 Ways it Can Backfire
Here are nine ways that can backfire if you talk about your goals. By the end, you’ll realize not talking about your goals is the way to go!
1) You Are Less Likely Achieve Your Goals

This is the most flabbergasting fact out there. When you talk about your goals you are less likely to achieve them because the mental motivation is now completely gone. Below is a Ted talk detailing the psychological phenomenon that happens when you talk about your goals.
Don’t talk about your goals if you actually want to achieve your goals. It’s just not in your best interest. Your brain will not be motivated when you talk about your goals to others. It feels like you already achieved your goals and you become less focused on disciplined.
You don’t put in that much effort and go through the hard work that’s required for you to reach your dreams. The mental laziness is worse than any amount of physical laziness out there. Your mentality controls your physicality. Mental sharpness makes or breaks your actions.
I’ve been a victim of talking about my goals for many many years.
2) Don’t Talk About Your Goals Because Expectations are High

It’s one thing to have high expectations for yourself. It’s another for others to have high expectations of you. Don’t talk about your goals because other people having high expectations is even worse than you having high expectations for yourself. You are now more prone to failure.
It’s one thing to let yourself down but when you let others down, you just feel even worse. I personally do not work well in a high pressured environment. I like taking my time making decisions and be allowed to fail because I don’t control the outcome at all.
However, when others expect high things from you, you are more likely to crack under pressure. There’s a reason why so many bloggers and marketers fail after one big huge hit. Others expect high things from you and they can’t handle all that high expectations so they just let their project falter.
High expectations are dangerous, especially when it comes from other people around you.
3) Your Friends Will Not Forget About Your Goals
Once your friend hears your grand vision for your life, they’re going to track and keep tabs on your move. Then they’ll want a status update. If you want to be a millionaire, they’re going to be asking, “oh, what happened?”. “Oh, how are you going on your goals?”.
They will defend themselves by saying it’s an innocent question but it’s not innocent at all. It’s detrimental and very harmful to what you’re trying to accomplish and achieve. Don’t talk about your goals because now, you have to manage expectations.
Something you wouldn’t even have had to do if you just ignored telling them everything in the first place. There are some things you just need to keep to yourself. You don’t want to attract unnecessary attention because that attention has a chance of destroying your goals.
Billionaire Sara Blakely withheld her billion dollar idea from her family for over a year. It’s just not in your interest to talk about your goals.
4) Don’t Talk About Your Goals Because Failures Hits Harder

It’s one thing to fail when everyone expected you to fail. It’s another to fail when everyone expected you to be a wild success. Imagine how all of the dot-com businesses felt. Every investor in the world was willing to give money to these companies.
Because they expected so much out of the companies. Imagine how these founders felt when they eventually had to tell the tough truth to their investors and employees that they’re shutting down. That they failed. That failure hits even harder than if they made investors expect them to fail.
Don’t talk about your goals because failure becomes less of an option. You really can’t fail. It’s one thing to succeed while knowing you can walk away at any point. It’s another to fail because you were under the high expectations to perform.
Failures sting. However, they sting more when everyone had all these expectations of you.
5) You Can’t Go Back
Don’t talk about your goals because you can’t walk away as easily as before. People think, whoa, what’s going on? What happened? They’re not going to care that you just lost your life savings or you lost your confidence all throughout the process.
All they want to know are answers. No one really cares about you, they just care that you failed. When I publicly denounce that I failed at something, people never cared whether I was feeling OK. All they cared about was knowing how things went and why I failed.
You can’t go back on your decision. Now, you are locked in. You have no freedom to change your mind because people are always going to be wondering, “whoa, did he fail? Why is he backtracking?”. Telling others about your goals is almost like going back on your decision.
Having the option to quit if you want to is quite valuable.
6) You Attract Less Attention
Stealth wealth is a great thing. It allows you to live like a normal person and blend in with the rest of society. You don’t garner any unwanted attention and not stick out like a sore thumb. Attention is a negative thing, not a positive thing.
it’s one thing to gain attention to what you’re selling. It’s another to gain attention to what you’re doing. You don’t want to be put in that situation because it’s exhausting. The people who do very well on managing the public attention took years to figure out how to do so well.
Even the celebrities just do not appreciate the attention given to them. Ed Sheeran famously said his fame makes him feel like a zoo animal. When you’re not famous all you want is fame. When you are famous all you want is privacy.
Don’t talk about your goals because grass is not always greener on the other side. It just may be worse.
7) You Can Invest More Time into Actually Achieving Your Goals
You can let Your results speak for itself. Don’t talk about your goals because talk is cheap and a giant waste of time. Your results do the real talking. When you don’t talk about your goals, you stop wasting time talking and you start doing.
You actually go out and achieve the things that you want to achieve. Which is a far more valuable way to spend your time than to talk about theoretical situations such as achieving your future goals. Your time is the most valuable commodity.
Once you spend it, there’s no way you’re going to get it back. It’ll be wise to spend the most important commodity you’ll ever have in your life the best way possible. Don’t talk about your goals because your time is better spent elsewhere.
You have more important things in your life that you should achieve.
8) Your Ego is Off Balanced Now
When you talk about your goals, you feel overconfident. Overconfidence destroyed villages and empires. Don’t talk about your goals because your ego is your biggest downfall. Not uncontrollable factors like the weather. But controllable factors like your ego and pride.
When you feel invincible is when ironically you are the most vulnerable. When I told everyone that I was going to be a millionaire by the end of 2022, that’s when everything turned against me. Not only did I Not become a millionaire, I was fighting to not lose wealth through the year.
From thinking I was getting to the top to fighting to not lose everything. That’s how bad of a year it was for me. I took on more risk than I needed to get to that millionaire goal, because my ego was so off-balanced that risk management went out the window for me.
Your ego will be the cause of your downfall, not the cause of your wealth building.
9) Grand Goals Take Decades to Achieve
Rome wasn’t built in a day. And for good reason. it’s a historic landmark that will last for centuries and beyond. Anything that’s worth doing takes more than a couple of months to achieve. The vast majority of people didn’t build a million dollar business in just a couple of months.
Don’t talk about your goals because it’s going to feel like you already achieved them. And even worse, it’ll feel like there’s no way that you can fail at achieving them. That’s just not true. Too many people are overconfident in their abilities to create value for others and sell their products.
Failures exist for a reason. There are more people who fail at creating businesses than the media likes to admit. Your life isn’t over in just a couple of years now. Your life is a project that is built over decades and decades. Anything that’s really worth mastering takes many years to achieve.
There’s a reason why the 10,000 hour rule is a popular rule. It works. That’s the minimum ticket to enter success.
Don’t Talk About Your Goals: Your Life Depends on It
Many people just don’t understand how much of a high stakes decision it is to actually talk about your goals. The unnecessary added pressure isn’t a smart and wise thing to take on. Especially when you didn’t even have to take on this unnecessary pressure in the first place.
Don’t talk about your goals because your family’s future, life, and wealth depends on it. Please learn from someone who made those mistakes. I made that mistake and I’m paying heavily and deeply for it. It just takes too much of a mental toll if I actually say what my goals are to my friends.
The added pressure just didn’t make it worth it for me. I didn’t end up just failing as a result. I ended up monumentally failing to the point of no return. It’s one thing to fail but it’s another to try and make up for those failures. Prevention is better than the cure.
Curing failure is much harder than anyone ever thinks. I’ve paid a deep price for that mistake. A mistake that I wish I never made in the first place. You don’t have to be open and let everyone know everything about your life. Some things, you HAVE to keep to yourself.
Your life literally depends on it. Don’t talk about your goals because your life is worth preserving and being given the chance to flourish and grow. If the difference between your wild success and your current life is you keeping your mouth shut.
Then it’s a price that’s well worth paying.
Don’t Talk About Your Goals: 9 Reasons Why
- You are less likely to achieve your goals
- Don’t talk about your goals because expectations are high
- Your friends will not forget about your goals
- Don’t talk about your goals because failures hit harder
- You can’t go back
- You attract less attention
- You can invest more time into actually achieving your goals
- Your ego is off balanced now
- Grand goals take decades to achieve