Everyone of us has endless opportunities to win on a daily basis. Some are small but it’s the little things that matter the most. The tiny adjustments are what’s going to give you the big results, when added in over time. Don’t let these opportunities pass.
Too many people think “if they can’t increase their income by $100,000, then what’s the point?” Or they think that the $5 they save today by avoiding the latte is not going to move the needle or make a difference. That’s not the right way to think.
You want to win big AND win small all the way through. The big wins are few and far in between. They don’t come by that often nor that quickly. When I finally cracked the six figure income, it happened suddenly. I didn’t even know what was going on and it happened.
With one job change, I increased my income from $86k to $110k (highlighted through this salary negotiation example). In just a single job change. That was the most insane thing I ever experienced in my life. However, it happened once out of the entire six years that I’ve been in the working world for.
Aside from that, I do simple things like saving $10 here and there and investing it into the stock market as much as I can. There are endless opportunities to win. You just have to be aware when an opportunity is staring right at your face.
I highlighted 9 for you in this article.
Endless Opportunities to Win: 9 Examples
Below are the 9 examples on the endless opportunities to win.
1) Score a 10%+ Raise
People get complacent with their salary and workplace that they just take the annual 2% raises their company gives them. News flash, if inflation reaches the 40-year highs, the 2% raise is actually a pay cut. The big wins come from scoring a large raise from a job change or a promotion.
Getting a raise is one of the endless opportunities to win because it’s something people highly neglect throughout their careers. People are complacent to stay in one place and never ask or demand a raise from their employer, no matter how good their performance is.
One of the youngest Vice Presidents in my prior company never asked her boss for a raise or to get a promotion. Her boss got her a promotion on her own. While that was nice of her, there was a chance that that might not have happened.
There’s plenty of money out there. You just have to find and grab them.
2) Negotiate Your Recurring Bills
Too many people just pay their recurring bills and let it go then and there. Recurring bills like a car insurance renewal or rent. My current apartment complex has rent for $200/month cheaper than when I first moved in for the same unit. You can bet that I’m using my how to negotiate rent guide to negotiate.
If your car insurance company is raising prices by 10%, it’s time to shop around. Insurance companies offer more attractive options for new customers than existing ones. Companies punish loyalty and take advantage of it.
I got another car insurance company to offer me the same rate but more coverage, come renewal time.
It’s time to always review your current vendors and see whether they are giving you attractive pricing. They’re preying on your tendency to let things slide. You have a busy life going on anyway, what are the chances you are going to check? Will be their rationale.
It’s time to take the power back into the customers hands.It’s one of the endless opportunities to win.
3) Work Out Every Day
Too many people neglect their health and think working out isn’t useful if they don’t massive results in a month. You don’t work out to gain massive results and look like Arnold Schwarzeneggar. You work out to get your heart rate up and improve your blood pressure.
Working out is one of the easiest endless opportunities to win because if your employer has a gym, it’s even better. I personally don’t even switch out of my work clothes but rather just work out in my work clothes because I don’t do cardio when I work out, anyway.
I worked out 5x a week since June 2022 and never missed a single week. The rewards were enormous in that I’m more alert throughout the day and I think more clearly throughout the day. Your body will thank you in ways you didn’t even know was possible.
Working out every day does wonders for your health. Even if it’s just 30 minutes to 1 hour, it’s completely worth it.
4) Be Grateful and Thankful
The easiest way to have endless opportunities is to be grateful and thankful of your life. No matter how bad your life is and no matter how dire things seem, they can never take away your perspective from you. It’s yours to keep and it’s your choice on how you see your life.
The easiest way to win is to never let them break your spirits. If you live in the developed world, you literally won the birth lottery. You literally have more opportunities to win than the vast majority of the world. It would be a shame to not be thankful for living in a developed world.
No matter how bad my life is and no matter how bad things may seem, I’m always grateful to be living in one of the greatest country on Earth. It’s unheard of for someone to amass a small fortune of $400k at the ripe age of 28.
Being thankful for your life is another way that you can win. it’s one of the best ways because your perspective is 100% in your control.
5) Start a Side Hustle
Many people are angry with their lives. They want to progress but they’re not progressing. Or they want to progress faster and it’s just not making a dent in their goals. Then they look at their lives and all they do is do nothing in the weekends and watch TV.
They’re missing out on one of the great opportunities to win and get ahead than their peers. And that is to start a side hustle. When they need to make more money, then they have more motivation to get out of the couch and make something happen on the weekends and nights.
Side hustles are one of the endless opportunities to win because while others are relaxing, you’re working. Hustling to make your dreams come true. It may not pay off next year or even the year after. But consistent effort is enough to make your dreams come true.
You’ll be amazed at how far your side hustles take you over a decade of effort.
6) Endless Opportunities to Win: Sleep Well
Every day, we have endless opportunities to win and one of them happens to be sleep. Sleep will be the reason why you are absolutely crushing your competition. People who say sleep is for the defeated will always be bulldozed by the ones who get quality sleep every night.
There’s a lot of ways to improve your sleep, too. Swap out your mattress for a new one, make your body tired throughout the day, and stop watching blue light before you go to bed. It’s how you produce melatonin that makes or breaks your sleep patterns.
I personally have to sleep on a hard bed after making my body tired by being outside for an hour or two every day. That’s how I get quality sleep and how I tackle the upcoming day to build my future and win. Opportunities to win are everywhere.
It’s just some people choose not to take advantage of them while others decide to do so. What will you choose?
7) Go Outside
These days, everyone is used to the sedentary lifestyle. They work in the office, work at home, and the like. They never truly get a chance to see sunlight and go outside and smell the fresh air. We are not born to spend all of our life inside in an air conditioned room.
We are born to roam outside, both men and women. That’s our true natural habitat, not the man-made habitat to live in the safety of our homes. Going outside is one of the endless opportunities to win because it’s so easy to do. You will appreciate nature more when you’re actually in it.
The sunlight that hits your skin or the feeling of the breeze on a cloudy day. It’s one of those little things that give you a refreshing sense of life. it breathes new life onto you. Once I started to go outside, I started to feel alive.
I take my glasses off and truly appreciate nature for what it is. A natural made Earth for me to breathe fresh air from.
8) Endless Opportunities to Win: Read More
Reading is one of the easiest things to do yet so few people do it. Many people turn to podcasts and the like for information now. However, that doesn’t mean that reading is out of touch. Reading is one of the endless opportunities to win because it’s available right at our fingertips.
I started my wealth building journey by reading blogs, books, and social media to better my financial life and future. Whether we like it or not, money plays an integral part in our lives. And if a $10 book gives me a $1,000 idea, it paid for itself 100x and it was a fantastic purchase.
You’ll be amazed at how much you learn in a year when you read books. When you’re out of school, there’s no need to read fictional books, either. That’s just a waste of time. Non-fictional books that you can actually apply to your life is very valuable.
Especially because you can apply the knowledge. Knowledge is powerful.
9) Take Care of Your Mental Health
This is one of those endless opportunities to win that people neglect to no end. Your mentality matters more than anything in the world. People think they have good and strong mentality. They don’t. Strong mentality is the most difficult thing to grasp.
Strong mentality doesn’t make momentary lapses in judgement. They remain calm and collected throughout the challenges. If your mentality isn’t strong enough to execute a task fully, then that’s not strong mentality. There are many things that you can do.
Yoga, meditation, and taking deep breaths helps in maintaining your mental health. Your mental health and your mind is what gets you from point A to point B. No longer do we play where brute strength and physicality is valued and treasured.
Your mental strength will cause you to win, nothing else.
You Have Endless Opportunities in the World
Endless opportunities are everywhere in your life. People don’t realize just how many opportunities they have on a daily basis to win and get ahead in life. The ones who win aren’t the ones with the big wins. The ones who win are the ones who have the willpower to make tiny adjustments to position themselves for success.
When you look at a professional tennis match, take a look at their footwork, especially Djokovic’s. When he wants to hit a ball, he makes tiny adjustments with his feet before he sets himself up for a winning shot. That’s what makes the difference.
The big things matter but the little things to set up and position your way to success matters even more. Our lives are defined by a few moments that really make a large impact by the end of it all. For my family, it was when my Dad decided to take the promotion of a lifetime and moved to the United States.
I will forever be grateful to him for making that touch decision and deciding to take advantage of the endless opportunities he was given from a career standpoint. Now I have to do everything I can to pay him back for all the sacrifices he made for me.
Whatever I do, I know it’ll only be a fraction of what he’s been able to accomplish.
Every day is packed with endless opportunities for you to achieve upward mobility. Will you take advantage of them or will you be like the rest of people who would rather stay at home and watch TV until the next day comes? You have the power of choice.
Endless Opportunities to Win: 9 Example Shortlists
- Score a 10%+ raise
- Negotiate your recurring bills
- Work out every day
- Be grateful and thankful
- Start a side hustle
- Endless opportunities to win: sleep well
- Go outside
- Endless opportunities to win: read more
- Take care of your mental health