Welcome everyone! This is the first post of my personal finance website, filled with money. One of the missions of the blog is to document my own personal finance journey of becoming a millionaire. However, the ultimate mission is to help my readers on reaching financial independence. If you are anything like me, I yearn for the day that I am not beholden to anyone to live. Living being dependent on someone is not an enjoyable way to live.
We will spend close to one third of our life working, given that we spend eight hours per day, excluding any weekend or overtime work. The thought of giving one third of my life, time, and effort to someone else is petrifying. Additionally, there is still a nonzero chance of getting axed even after giving all of my effort to further a company’s goal. That doesn’t sound like the life, does it?!
However, it doesn’t have to be as such. You don’t have to life your life for somebody else. You don’t have to be in a position where you can do everything right but still lose at the end of the day. A very possible route that ALL OF US can take is to be financially independent.
Will there be sacrifices? Of course. However, instead of focusing on what you have to give up or lose, focus on what you gain and win in return.
I Am Excited to Share My Progress and Journey Starting with the First Post
When I was first starting out, I was making a measly adjusted gross income of about $25,000 – $30,000. I am not going to sugarcoat it, it was downright awful. Slaving away at university with countless late night studying to only earn $25,000 first year out of college was soul crushing. I was living in poverty when I went to college to have a better life, what gives?!
However, what I received in return was so much more valuable. After living like I was in poverty, I built a six figure financial nest egg after only 2 years out of college. I maxed out my 401k and HSA, taking advantage of the tax-advantaged nature of the accounts. The only thing I didn’t do is max out my Roth IRA, which I currently regret but aren’t bothered.
Now, let’s be filled with money and better our financial lives so live life on our terms instead of someone else’s. I appreciate you stopping by and reading my first post ever and it will be the first of many!