How to Become a Better Person: 9 Ways

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Once you know how to become a better person, the whole world opens up to you. You don’t want to compete against others, you just want to compete against yourself. When you know that you’re a better person than you were a week, month, or a year ago, you are on the road to greatness.

Self improvement and self help books are on the rise in popularity these days. More and more people want to get ahead and position themselves for success down the road. And that is wonderful news! It means you’re not dependent or relying on anyone else for your success, you are taking matters into your own hands.

I remember when I was in college, I would read the biography of successful people and thought just how much I wanted to be in their shoes. I wanted to take measurable and calculated steps in order to get there. And the last person I wanted stopping me was myself.

You are your own worst enemy, therefore you need to make decisions to counteract the expensive enemies within yourself. Once you defeat the most formidable opponent you will ever face, yourself, and become better every day, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.

That’s why learning how to become a better person is so crucial. That’s the first battle and the first test you must pass in order to progress forward and get ahead in life. If you can’t trust or rely on the person standing in front of the mirror, how could you convince anyone else to join forces with you or to support and help you?

Very few, if any person, would help you get after it. Win the first battle then everything topples like dominos.

How to Become a Better Person

One way to become a better person is by SMACKING that social share button and sharing to your favorite social media! This shows that you’re not willing to keep the information just for yourself and are wanting others to become successful alongside with you. If anything, please share the article for me!

It takes a lot of work for me to write articles and it would. bevery helpful if you can do a free thing like share the article.

So with that said, let’s get into exactly how to become a better person.

1) Find Out What Your Purpose Is

How to become a better person? By having purpose.
Everyone has a purpose. What’s yours?

If you don’t know the direction of where you’re going, you will be lost. The two most important days in your life will be the day you are born, and the day you find out why. There’s no point in knowing how to beocome a better person if you don’t even define what “good” or “better” even is.

For me personally, I know that my number one purpose in life was to start a business. That’s my self actualization goal and purpose that I want to get to. What business do I want to start yet? I haven’t decided yet. However, I know that I will start a business at least once in my life. That’s what gives me joy.

Everyone was put on this Earth for a specific purpose. It’s up to you to figure out what the purpose is. That’s how you achieve and get to a state of self actualization. Your purpose doesn’t have to be a new thing and it can be a copied purpose from someone else.

No matter what it is, you have a purpose for existing. Don’t waste it and squander it because life is the greatest gift you will be given.

2) Figure Out Your Weak Points

Now that you know what your purpose actually is, it’s time to figure out what’s keeping you from getting there. Life is not a smooth line where the road just paves itself for you. You have to pave the way and the road yourself. It’s messy with numerous people competing for the same resources.

Therefore, there will always be obstacles and objections in order to stop you from getting to where you want to be. When I was a caller raising money for my university, we had to anticipate exactly what their objections were going to be. Then once we had an answer to those objections is when the real conversations began.

Others are not going to easily hand it to you, you have to earn it yourself. Therefore, figure out what your weak points are that are stopping you from progressing forward, then eliminate those weak points. That doesn’t mean work on bettering your weaknesses.

That means eliminating your weaknesses. It can be through hiring other people to complement your weaknesses, or to get in an industry where your weakness isn’t even a factor, and so forth. Whatever it is, work around it. How to become a better person doesn’t always mean adding positives, it means subtracting negatives as well.

3) Use Anger as Motivation

I get it. There are truly injustices in the world that happened through no fault of your own. Birth lottery is a real thing. I thank my lucky stars that I was born to a loving family who cared and provided for me. There were some bad times but I would be lying if I said that my experience in childhood wasn’t generally good.

Aside from that, there truly are things that you are absolutely justified in being angry. Maybe you were backstabbed by your coworker or maybe you faced discrimination to no end based on race or sex. Whatever it is, use that anger as motivation. Your enemies are the biggest motivators you can ever use.

When your enemy wants you to fail, you use that as motivation to never let them see you fail. Instead of using the anger to get mad at your opponent, you use that anger to bulldoze the competition ahead and come out on top. If you want to know how to become a better person, part of it is realizing that emotional control matters.

What better way than to control emotions than to turn a negative emotion to your advantage.

4) Become a Better Person By Forming Positive Habits

How to become a better person? Practice good habits daily.
Your habits make up who you are.

Did you know that a 1% daily return is enough to 38x your life in just a single year? This doesn’t just strictly apply to money, it can strictly apply to you. You can 38x the person you were on January 1st of every year by being 1% better every single day. This can be done through positive habits.

If you form positive habits, you already won the game. Why? It becomes second nature to you. When you constantly do things that are good for you like clockwork and without emotions, that’s when you follow through. That’s how to become a better person. By utilizing the part of your brain that makes decisions automatically.

Without thinking about it. When you exploit that part of the brain, that’s when you know you’re not putting in any effort. Because it’s second nature to you. When you automatically brush your teeth every day, there’s less dental problems later down the road.

5) Look to Others for Example

If you want to know how to become a better person, look to others who’ve already done it. You will create nothing new in this world. You will do the exact same things in a different way, but nothing new. Therefore, there’s no shame in looking to others who’ve already done it and follow in their footsteps.

I religiously follow my good heroes‘ journeys and try to get there by taking the steps that they took. My goals are a moving targets so my heroes could change over time. However, I believe I will always be *adding* the my heroes list, instead of *subtracting* any of my heroes list.

Your heroes influence your life more than you know and give it credit for. Therefore, it’s not a bad idea to see how they got to their place and follow their steps and recipes for success. If they can do it, why can’t you? Everyone plays under the same clock. When you use the same 24 hours per day to your advantage, then it becomes great.

6) Give Yourself a Break

Don’t try to figure out how to become a better person so much that you forget to give yourself a break from time to time. Life isn’t always about trying to be a better person today than you were yesterday. You just may be overdoing it. Take a few steps back in order to move more steps forward.

Have you heard of the Pomodoro technique? It’s what I use in order to write blog articles. After an intense 30 minute writing session, I take a 25 minute break. In those 25 minutes of break time, I literally do anything that doesn’t require complex brainpower. It’s been much more effective than writing nonstop.

Give yourself a break once in a while. Don’t continuously keep producing at an unhealthy pace. Take a break and take care of yourself along the way. You don’t want to be the richest person in the grave. Your body craves and needs a break in order to achieve progress. Everything and everyone does, you are no exception.

7) Become a Better Person Through Continuous Education

Continuous education is an easy way to know how to become a better person. No one is born knowing how to be the greatest person in the world. Everyone had to learn it through experimentation. No baby is born a genius. A baby still needs to learn how to speak, walk, and eat.

Books and surrounding yourself with valuable content is how you keep learning. I didn’t learn how to negotiate right off the bat. I learned how to negotiate through trial and error. There are countless negotiation styles out there and there’s no wy to know what negotiation style the other party will use in the conversation.

Leaders and great people are learned, not born. You think Obama knew how to become the President of the United States as soon as he was born? Nope. And if he does say that, he’s lying and committing fraud. Every behavior in the world can be learned. Knowledge is powerful, especially in the information age we are in today.

8) Give Help Where It’s Needed

How to become a better person? Lend a helping hand and help others.
Do you lend a helping hand?

How to become a better person? Lend a helping hand to others. Now, it certainly depends on the person receiving the help. Their pride just may prevent them from doing so. When I was talking with a coworker in his 50’s, he told me how he had to sell his 401(k) during the financial crisis to help his family out.

I explained to him that he should be buying and holding forever, especially since he and his wife still had jobs. If he just held on, he could’ve easily reached the millionaire status today. Then he immediately yelled at me and said, “I CAN GO ON ALL DAY LONG ABOUT HOW IF I JUST DID XYZ, I WOULD BE A MILLIONAIRE”.

So then I immediately let it go.

Some people just don’t want the help, and that’s completely OK. it’s up to them. However, in times when I can give the right financial advice to people and they want the help, I give it. If they reject the help, then so be it, I’m not going to force my ideology onto them. At the end of the day, it is their choice.

9) Take Care of Yourself

Don’t focus so much on knowing how to become a better person that you reject taking care of yourself. Take naps, sleep in, eat sugar once in a while. We need sugar to survive in our system, it’s when we overeat sugar that it becomes a problem. Whatever the definition of taking care of yourself is, do it.

I have to massage my muscles very often in order for me to function properly. Otherwise, my muscles hurt out of nowhere. I eat vegetables and eat healthy every day. I use weekends to sleep in and I never regret that choice. There are days where I love doing nothing because it provides me with happiness.

Take care of yourself and do the things that gives you joy and recharges your battery. Eat good food, don’t let go of your diet. Go out and watch the sunshine regularly. Surround yourself with good company that you know, respect, trust, and like.

Too many times, we neglect our health in the pursuit of money and that’s not a good long term winning strategy.

Learn How to Become a Better Person and Make it a Habit

Now that you know how to become a better person, make it a habit. When you do things automatically and do things habitually, that’s when we know who you are. You are not the product of one-off decisions, you are the product of habits that form your life. They act as the foundational blocks to your life.

You don’t become rich by saving $10,000 one day and call it a day for the rest of the year. You become rich by saving and investing $500 per paycheck over the course of a year. It’s not the big things that add up and accumulate into your person. It’s the little things that accumulate over time that matters.

Everything you do today is to affect your life 2 – 5 years from now. Everything you did 2 – 5 years ago affects your life today. Your teeth aren’t good because you brushed your teeth 10 times today and neglect it for the rest of the year. They are good because you brush your teeth 2 – 3 times per day.

Your habits are what forms who you are. In other words, you will go through life on the easy path if you practice good habits every single day. It will add up to enormous amounts by the end of the year. Then when the next year starts, you will reach unimaginable heights again.

And again the year after that and again the year after that. Remember that negative habits have the potential to make your life -38x your life. It’s not just about doing the positive things, it’s also about avoiding negative things as well. This is your life and your adventure and you are in full control of the ship.

Where will you take your ship? Only you make the decision.

How to Become a Better Person: 9 Ways

  • Find out what your purpose is
  • Figure out your weak points
  • Use anger as motivation
  • Become a better person by forming habits
  • Look to others for example
  • Give yourself a break
  • Become a better person through continuous education
  • Give help where it’s needed
  • Take care of yourself

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