After a while, you will have to learn how to ignore others. Throughout your life, there will be many people to ignore because they are dragging you down. The first couple of times will bother you but after a while, you say enough is enough and flat out ignore the outside noise.
They’re not just targeting you. It’s not just you who others think will fail. When Mark Cuban purchased the Dallas Mavericks, everybody thought that he would fail. Mavericks had one of the worst performing records when Mark purchased them.
However, the Dallas Mavericks won the NBA championships in 2011.
Every successful people had others who thought they would fail. Not just fail but fail hard. There never will be a shortage of people who doubt you and so it becomes more crucial than ever to ignore others. Especially these days. Anonymity behind social media made it that much simpler.
People are easily willing to say these things to you if they’re going to be anonymous anyway. As my blog and Twitter becomes more popular, there are much more negative comments. I just let those comments exist because it’s in my best interest for them to engage with me and then I ignore them.
As you get more popular, better, and richer, people are going to take notice. Then they are going to project their own insecurities and failures onto you so they can personify blame to someone else. Then it becomes crucial to learn how to ignore others. It’s necessary.
Why You Want to Ignore Others
The first reason you want to ignore others is so you can SMASH that social share button and post to your favorite social media! Your friends may need to learn how to ignore others and it just may be necessary for them as well.
So with that said, let’s go over the reasons why you should ignore others and keep to yourself!
1) Personality Differences
At a certain point, you just recognize it’s nothing bad. It’s just personality differences that are making you guys further apart. Just as in a negotiation you can’t get to a deal if you guys are too far apart in number.
You can’t have a meaningful and fruitful relationship if your personalities are too far apart as well.
This is the number one reason why it’s important to know how to ignore others. Personality differences can’t be fixed or worked on because it’s literally who you guys each are. No matter what, changing yourself is not as easy as it looks. And you shouldn’t have or want to change, anyway.
A good relationship is when one personality works very well with another personality. Relationships already take up a lot of time and work to get there, even WITH matching personalities. Sometimes, it just becomes nothing personal. It just becomes something you just have to walk away from.
2) Your Mental Health Worsens
There are people out there whose sole purpose is to make your life worse than where it is right now. As soon as you become more popular and you become more known, there are people who wants to bring you down. For whatever reason. Then it starts to affect your mental health.
The solution then becomes you either mute them so you don’t see their messages or you just avoid them for the rest of your life. Your mental health comes above everything else. As soon as I started getting more tweets viral on Twitter, there were people who insulted me and the like.
I just mute them and move on with life. It’s not worth my mental health to engage and deal with them. Learning how to ignore others becomes that much more crucial if it starts affecting your mental health. Remember, physical damage is healable. Psychological damage is potentially permanent.
3) The Relationship is Forced
This isn’t something that’s explainable or anything you can actually logically explain. You just know when a relationship is forced. It’s the little things that matter, after all. You just know when you are putting in more effort and mental effort than you would like. That’s when you need to know how to ignore others.
You guys both can’t put a finger on what’s driving these things but you guys both know that it’s not a healthy relationship. It just feels forced and you guys both know it. Or it could be that you’re putting in way too much effort and getting nothing in return for it. It happens.
It’s not a good idea to care so much for someone who returns so little back. Having no relationship is better than having a bad relationship. Life is too short to spend time with people who puts your life into a worse situation than before you met them.
Moving on is a good thing.
How to Ignore Others
So then here are the concrete steps on ignoring other people and keep your sanity. The solutions are simpler than you think.
1) Practice
The first time you get a negative comment, it affects you. You think you did something wrong or your message was a bad thing. Even if you have 20 positive comments and 1 negative comment. If that’s the case, why would you care about the 5% and not the 95%? Majority rules.
Knowing how to ignore others just becomes that much easier if you practice. The first couple of times feel foreign. However, the more you ignore others, the more used to it you’ll feel. You just know it feels good. You’re not here to appease any bullies or trolls, you’re here to live your own life.
Others can disagree with your message but you’re not there to be disrespected. That’s when you apply the how to ignore others rule and move on easily. These days, negative comments just amuse me more than anything else. It makes me genuinely laugh because it is genuinely funny to me.
That’s after experiencing so much negative that it no longer bothers me.
2) Stop Caring so Much
Caring for your loved ones is great, caring for the ones who are negative towards you is bad. Not letting anything really affect you is awesome. As my Twitter account becomes more popular every day, I just know that I’m a target and there are people who want to take me down.
That’s completely OK now and I don’t mind it one bit. They’re giving me engagement that I didn’t have before, which helps the Twitter algorithm and helps me be more popular. I just mute the accounts and let them engage so that I ultimately win in the end, anyway.
How to ignore others starts with you being a caring individual. Once you don’t let things bother you and just accept and let people be who they are, you’ll live a better life. It’s hard to be at the center of attention and at the same time push for your own agenda without pushback.
You have more important things to do than care for the ones who are trolling you.
3) Listen but Don’t Act on Their Advice
Silence is a powerful weapon and tool to use in any human interaction. Instead of flat out disagreeing and creating a hostile environment, silence is a much more effective tool to move forward with the interaction. That’s knowing how to ignore others strategically.
That’s when you still disagree with others and move ahead with your own agenda and own interests and while at the same time, giving off the appearance that you’re listening to others’ suggestions. You don’t have to act on any other people’s advice nor should you.
Flat out ignoring others to their face does not work. It’s easy when it’s behind a screen and you just don’t have to reply to anything the other party says. However, face to face ignoring takes a little bit of extra work to pull off and execute.
When done right, it is effective in highly sensitive situations such as meetings with your boss.
4) Stand Up for Yourself
At a certain point, you have to stop caring about others’ emotions, ideas, and personalities so much and you have to stand up for your own beliefs. You don’t have to tolerate and accept every single thing the other side is trying to pull against you.
That’s how to ignore other people’s feelings and you are putting yourself first in front of others. It may come across as rude but at a certain point, you may have already been very tolerating for the other side. They may cross a line and act in a disrespectful manner.
You don’t have to keep taking that abuse and disrespect. Your ideas are worthy for consideration and to be listened to. You don’t have to remain silent and you don’t have to be silenced. Use your voice to get to where you need to be. It’ll get you far.
5) Be Direct
People are NOT going to get the hint. At a certain point, you have to directly tell them that you’re cutting them off. Or at a certain point, it may be impossible to subtly ignore them. Whether it’s a coworker that you just can’t seem to stand or for whatever reason it is.
Direct communication not only saves time, it’s saved many relationships from turning sour. At a certain point, you will have to use your words in order to negotiate a good relationship with others. If a relationship reaches my breaking point, I politely just decline to continue even further.
At a certain point, it just doesn’t work and there’s no point. People do not have your best interest at heart. Even the ones who have a legally binding “fiduciary duty” towards you will not act 100% in your best interest. You have to take the necessary steps in order to protect your own interests as well.
6) Talk About How Busy You Were
For people who we care about, we still make time for them no matter how busy we are. However, for people who we just can’t prioritize because of how busy we already are, then it’s not rude to politely decline saying how busy you are and were.
Or you could talk to them while doing something and not giving them your full and undivided attention. While ignoring others may not feel like it’s the right thing to do, it’s necessary. You don’t want to spend time caring for the ones who are trying to bring you down.
Instead, you should know how to ignore them and focus your energy caring for the ones who are trying to bring you up. This is a rule that you cannot ignore. Sometimes, it’s just in your best interest to do so. You’re trying to garner support for your life, not garner opposition.
Learning How to Ignore Others is Not Rude
At a certain time in your life, you will have to know how to ignore others. There’s no way that your personality will match with 100% of the people out there. It’s nothing personal, it’s just for your mental health that you’re doing this for.
It’s your future and health that you have to protect and think about. Therefore, it’s not rude to politely part ways because you don’t have to have an eternal relationship with others besides your family. At a certain point, you’re not trying to ruin someone else life but you’re trying to better yourself.
The more successful you become, the more attention you get. The more attention you get, the more negativity you face. That’s why stealth wealth is one of the best ways to blend yourself within society and insulate yourself from the negativity out in the world.
However, stealth wealth only helps you so much. There will be many times when people tell you not to do something or to do something only for that advice to backfire on you later down the road. Then it becomes more crucial than ever to learn how to ignore others.
There was a time when a lawyer flat out told me not to pursue a case. I pursued the case without her. I won the case anyway without her help or involvement. People don’t have your best interests at heart. Only you have your own best interest at heart.
How to Ignore Others: 6 Ways Shortlist
- Practice
- Stop caring so much
- Listen but don’t act on their advice
- Stand up for yourself
- Be direct
- Talk about how busy you were
Good points David, people that impede your progress in life or cause you pain are to be avoided. It did make me think about the balance of avoiding negative people versus also wanting to help troubled people improve their lives. I think there is a balance. To have a full life I think you do have to invite, on those times you see a chance to help others, messy people into your life for a season in order to help them get on a better path. But that needs to be targeted. It’s like the oxygen mask thing on airliners, you can’t take care of anyone else unless you have taken care of yourself first.
That is very true.
As I get older and older.. I’ve been realizing that my perspective and way of thinking just may not be the right path. So I like hearing from other people’s perspectives and your perspectives are one that’s always given me pause and encouraged me to think about things a different way.
I definitely want to help more people as my end game… However, right now… if I’m being honest, I’m solely focused on helping and bettering myself because I don’t have that oxygen mask on just yet!
Not everyone has the luxury to avoid or ignore negative people.
I’ve encountered people at work that were not pleasant to deal with. When I started my career, I had no choice but to deal with them because my professional future was dependent on establishing good relationships (even with challenging people).
However, as I progressed in my career and as I built a nice financial nest egg, I started to take more control over who I interacted with. I enjoyed dealing with respectful positive people only.
The choice of who I wanted to deal with was made easier once I achieved financial freedom and was not beholden to anyone.
This is very well said.
I like to say that I have a choice to avoid and ignore negative people but I can’t help but think that I’m not there yet. I still have to work with people I don’t like and such.
One of the perks of reaching financial independence and why financial independence is an absolute must.