Life Isn’t Fair But Figure Out a Way to Beat It Anyway

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It’ not a secret that life isn’t fair. This isn’t some sort of complaining mantra, it’s a factually correct saying. For 90%+ of people, the system is stacked against you for you to not succeed. The game is designed so that you be the sheep while the farmer guides your decisions and direction.

The world is probably controlled my something like a couple hundred people. The especially wealthy and the ones who can influence, control, and change laws. I’m not some conspiracy theorist who thinks the world is run by the illuminati. However, I do know that the masses’ opinions doesn’t matter compared to the select few.

Did you know that the Founding Fathers didn’t even want you to vote? The right to vote wasn’t even in the original Constitution. It took almost SEVENTY YEARS before the right to vote was extended to even just all White men before it was extended to the majority centuries later.

The ones who make the rules do not want you to be a leader or the one who enacts change. They want you to stay like the masses, follow rules, and generally service their interests ahead of yours. That’s why life isn’t fair. The game is literally designed for you to not get ahead but rather help someone else get ahead.

However, does that mean that everything is doomed and you should throw in the towel? Nope. Far from it. Although the game is rigged against you, it’s a game worth playing in order to better your life for yourself and your family. Everyone does not have the same opportunities but that doesn’t mean that it’s hopeless.

Life is worth fighting for in order to get you to where you want to be. Even if it may be too difficult at times.

What is the Central Idea of Life Isn’t Fair?

The idea behind life isn’t fair is that there are different opportunities offered to everyone. Some people win the birth lottery and are not born in North Korea. Anyone who wasn’t born in North Korea is living a life better than the North Koreans. That’s what’s unfair about it. I didn’t do anything to “earn” or “deserve” where I live currently.

There’s nothing special that I did. Yet, I get to have an insurmountable better life than someone who was born in North Korea. What did I do to deserve it? Nothing. The people born there also didn’t choose to live there either. And yet, they have to suffer while I get to live with food on the table and a roof over my head?

We’ve all heard the this argument in one form or another. When you complain that something isn’t fair, someone will immediately counter back that “yeah, well, life isn’t fair”. This is a bad argument. If something truly isn’t fair, then that should be fixed to make it equitable.

Yet the counter party is telling you to accept the unfairness and to go about life as if that is the normal. “Deal with it” is another way to say that argument. Well.. That SHOULDN’T be the normal. People should be correcting things to the point where things objectively are fair. Fairness should happen across the board.

Now, the biggest problem with that argument is that the definition of fairness means different things to different people. For example, when it comes to paying taxes. One group says the rich doesn’t pay their fair share. Another group says that the rich pays the most tax dollars to the government than any other group.

We’ll leave out these instances where it’s difficult to define.

Why is Life Not Fair?

One reason why life isn’t fair is because you’re not SLAPPING that social share button and sharing to social media! This is a very interesting topic and your friends could get value out of the article. If anything, please share the article for me because it takes a lot of thought and research to give the content to you.

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So with that said, let’s go over the reasons why life is not fair.

1) Life Isn’t Fair Because the System is Stacked Against You

Life isn't fair because the game is rigged.
The system is stacked against you.

Whether we like it or not, the system is designed to be against the little guys. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It’s mathematically easier to make a million dollars when you already have a billion (an increase of 0.1%) but much harder to make a million dollars when you have nothing.

With automation, less jobs will be given to real life people. Technology is taking away so many people’s jobs and livelihoods. Once self driving cars are mainstream, there’ll be no need for taxi drivers, Uber drivers, truckers, and the like. It’s not going to happen in two generations, it’s going to happen in our generation.

The system is stacked against you where the have nots will always have not and the haves will always have. Upward mobility is harder for people without already a legacy set in place. Impossible? No. Harder? Yes. It’s a very valid point to say that life isn’t fair because the system is designed against us from the start.

2) Good Things Happen to Bad People

Life isn’t fair because the bad people don’t always lose. Movies and TV like to sell us on the idea that the bad guys always lose. That’s not the case. How many bad people have near perfect health? Avoid cancer? Get that $200,000 job that you really wanted? Good things happen to bad people. Not always but it does happen.

Have you had a bully in the past? Are they doing bad now? They could be but their lives could be much better than yours. It’s likely that their lives are worse but that doesn’t mean that it’s a 100% probability that their lives are worse. On the flip side too, bad things can happen to good people.

Some just develop cancer early on, that’s completely outside of their control. Whatever the case is, good people experience hardships and it may sometimes even be worse than what others go through. Life isn’t fair because things like these are outside of our control and they never will be within our control.

3) It’s Never an Even 50/50 Split

Relationships or anything else that you want to think about. Life is never an even 50/50 split. Some days are going to 70/30 and other days it’s going to 35/65. Whatever it is, you will never go through your entire life with an even 50/50 split with another person. Life isn’t fair for this exact reason.

The good part is that you don’t need an even 50/50 split for you to come out ahead anyway. You can work with what you’re given and still be number one. It’s not about what others get it’s about what you get and what you can make do with what you have. Even distribution is not necessary, though it is helpful.

When I was younger, I used to get mad if I never got an even 50/50 split amongst my friends, relationships, or anything else. Now, as long as I’m happy and I care about the person, I don’t mind if being 20/80 at times without expecting the other party to make up for the difference.

Business deals are different, I always expect a 50/50 split, at a minimum.

4) Different Rules Apply to Different People

Life isn't fair because advantage goes to attractive people.
Beautiful people have advantages.

Some people just get off lighter than others. Have you heard about the book Beauty Pays? It’s a book that demonstrates how attractive people have it better than unattractive people. Not because they are better than someone else but because they are more attractive.

They also have less conviction rates and more lenient prison sentences. For nothing else other than enjoying the benefits that were given to them. It wasn’t earned, it was given. Everyone does not go through life with the same rules. Everyone goes through life with different rules.

Double standards will never go away and will always exist. Life is unfair because there is no standardized way to apply to rules the same to everyone. Congress likes to tout that “no person is above in law in the United States”. Then how come you never see a sitting President being indicted for jaywalking?

Or how Congress can insider trade but ordinary citizens cannot? Rules are not the same for everyone.

5) You Don’t Get What You Deserve

Life is unfair because life isn’t logical. You don’t get what you deserve you get what you negotiate, sell, and convince others. Look at Tesla and Edison. Tesla was the genius who actually invented the goods and services that Edison sold. However, who gets more recognition, fame, money, status, and wealth? Thomas Edison.

Edison would be nothing without Tesla but Tesla would be something without Edison. However, the recognition and fame is backwards and opposite. They’re not correctly distributed amongst the two. Life is unfair because it’s not logical. One of my coworkers is getting paid 33% less than the market, as confirmed by his boss.

What?! Thirty three percent less?! I can only imagine that there are underlings who get paid more than him. The illogical biases that exist in all of us perpetuate outside to the real world. We’re not going to change this, either. As long as feelings exist, humans will always do things to win over the other person.

Instead of being completely fair.

6) Everyone’s Start is Different

Life isn't fair due to different starting points.
What was your starting point in life?

Some already had a million dollars at birth. Some started their life journey with gambling debts that their parents racked up. Whatever the case is, life is unfair because everyone’s start is different. Some grew up with more advantages than others, which gives them a leg up over their competition.

Rightly or wrongly, that’s how it is. If you’re born in North Korea, your objective isn’t to build wealth, start a good family, and achieve self actualization. Your sole purpose in life is to serve the Supreme leader and hope to put dinner on the table by the end. The question of can you make it big in life is already decided without you trying for it.

That’s not fair by any means of definition at all. Some were born in a crime ridden part of town which influences them to go down that path even further. People start at different points in life so everyone’s results can never be compared apples to apples.

How Do You Accept that Life Isn’t Fair?

The number one way to accept that life isn’t fair is to lower expectations. Stop expecting others to give things to you and start getting those things yourself. One of my friends had a test in a conference. The speaker held up a $20 bill in front of the entire audience. He asked the audience “who wants this $20?”.

Everyone raised their hands. My friend was the only one who actually got up to the front of the stadium and took the $20 from him. The lesson is that no one’s going to give you handouts, you’re gonna have to take it yourself. The others expected the speaker to pick a random audience member to give the money to.

There’s no time for waiting, if you want something, you go get it and don’t let anyone else stop you from getting it. As long as you’re getting it through legal means, everything is fine. Life isn’t fair, that’s very true. However, that doesn’t mean you’re always going to be in the losing position.

You have the sole power to make choices and make things happen that sway in your favor. When you lower expectations and stop expecting others to give things to you, you start to become independent. Independence is awesome. No one can tell you what to do because you have the power to say no.

However, it first starts with you lowering expectations. Too many people expect things of other people which leads to disappointment. Then they begin to realize that life is unfair and that the best course of action is to make life fair. That’s wrong. There’s no one on Earth who will ever make life fair.

Therefore, just make the most of life.

Life Isn’t Fair But Win Anyway

Just because life isn’t fair doesn’t mean you can’t win anyway. Even if competition becomes more fierce than ever, you’re still a formidable contender. One unfair handicap that I have is that I’m a minority. Whether we like it or not, the system favors the majority over the minority because that’s how democracy works.

However, there’s no chance that I will ever let that be the reason I’m held back. I worked harder than anyone else would in my position. I destroyed my competition by putting in more hours and effort to beat them. Whatever it took, I did, and I would gladly do it all over again. There are many handicaps that people have.

Handicaps that may be out of their control to change or fix. That’s how life isn’t fair and it never will be fair to where everyone has access to opportunities. However, win anyway. There’s always a way, always a path forward to where you come out victorious. The only way you lose is if you decide to leave the game.

No external help is going to change your life, it’s your effort. It starts with you employing and practicing good habits for you see the results over decades of time. Every day is a new opportunity for you to be better than the day before. Track your progress and see where you end up.

Like it or not, we’re all put into the competition of life. People are trying to get ahead, people are trying to put food on the table for their families. and so forth. Claw, fight, kick, and scratch your way to the place you know you deserve to be in.

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2 Replies to “Life Isn’t Fair But Figure Out a Way to Beat It Anyway”

  1. Life isn’t fair indeed. But recognizing the unfairness of life is super motivating! It has made me work harder and think better to take care of my family.

    If life was fair, maybe it would be too easy? I Donno!


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