It’s time to stop watching TV. It not only wastes your time but the TV was not created to benefit you. It was created to benefit the advertising industry. What’s even worse is then that the advertisers don’t pay for television. You pay for it. Does that make sense to anyone?
I currently have not watched television in over two years. I own a television but I use it only to hook it up to my computer so that I can project to the big screen. There are many other things that I would much rather do rather than watch television. Even just doing chores in the day is a better use of my time.
Ask yourself, when’s the last time that you watched TV? If you are like the typical American, it was yesterday. For an average of 2 hours and 46 minutes watching TV. That’s a lot of your time. Imagine 12.5% of your day gone, just like that. Without any meaningful result that came out of it.
All you do is just sit there while other people are saying words to you and relaying their message onto you. In other words, you are giving them a chance to convince you to think something. And for what? People who don’t care about your well being at all whatsoever. There are many other things you could be doing with your time.
Not just on productive stuff but on relaxing in a better way as well. That’s why you should stop watching TV. You have much more things you need to accomplish throughout the day. There’s also better ways to relax and recharge rather than just watching TV as well. All it takes is just a little bit of creativity.
Why You Should Stop Watching TV
You can stop watching TV and start SMASHING that social share button and spread this message around! Your friends could be addicted to watching TV and need motivation and reasons on why they should stop watching TV. If you don’t want to do it for your friends, please do it for me.
So with that said, let’s get into the reasons why you should cut the cord!
1) You Don’t Win
The advertisers win. When you watch TV, it’s inundated with advertisers trying to sell their message and product onto you. Do you really want to spend time getting sold to? Most products are not about how to better your life over the long term, anyway. Advertisers sell products that provide one-off benefits. Things like food and sodas.
Advertisers do not sell financial educational courses that better your life. Nor do they sell $10 books that teaches you the art of negotiation. It’s not profitable enough for them. Therefore, why would you want to watch TV that ultimately helps others who doesn’t care about you?
You shouldn’t. Stop watching TV because it doesn’t make sense to give your time to people who just want your money. These people don’t care about your health or well being. They just care about transferring money from your wallet onto theirs. They are very clever at convincing you to do so as well.
2) TV Ruins Your Eyes

There are articles that say “watching TV doesn’t harm your eyesight“. How it won’t cause physical damage to your eyes. I don’t know how they found eye doctors to say those things. My eye doctor promptly informs me otherwise. That staring at a screen too up close is ruining your eyesight and causes astigmatism.
Even if not close, focusing at a screen for a long period of time is harmful as well. It’s not a good habit to have.
Trust me from someone who’s been staring at screens too much for the most of his life. Me. I wear glasses and I absolutely despise wearing glasses with a burning passion I wish I had my old eyesight back where I had near perfect vision. I used to spend 5 hours per day in front of the computer.
That contributed so much to my eyesight problem. I passionately dislike it. Your eyesight is one of the best gifts that you can ever have. Why would you want to ruin one of the best gifts? Stop watching TV. Your future self and eyesight will thank you for that. It’s unbelievable how much of an advantage having good eyesight is.
3) There’s Better Ways to Relax
People use TV to kick back, and relax from working all day long. The problem with doing that is that it’s not really a good way to relax. You’re not 100% focused on relaxing, you’re just half relaxing. When you do things in a half-focused way, you are not really doing things in an effective way.
A better way to relax is to sit at your couch with no noise or distractions and just think about the world and your life. For one thing, time goes by much slower than if you just watched TV. For another thing, you get to have quality alone time with yourself that you’ve been neglecting.
Or you could relax by taking a bath or massaging your body with a massager. Or any one of a thousand better things that you can do to relax. TV is not the way to go because there are so much better ways to go to relax. Stop watching TV and be more creative in finding ways to relax going forward.
4) You’re Escaping Reality

When there’s a countrywide depression going on, it’s correlative that the entertainment industry does very well. People want to escape the harsh realities that they are facing and want an escape from the world. That’s something that TV provides. There’s a reason why some people play video games nonstop.
They want to escape the realities of their own world and are looking for outside ways to have accomplishments in their lives. Don’t try to escape reality. Instead, tackle and destroy whatever obstacle that you are facing to march forward in your life. Life is hard but that doesn’t mean it isn’t enjoyable.
TV is not the answer, stop watching TV. Reality will always be a much better world than a false reality like TV provides. Enjoy the outside world, enjoy the nature and your senses. The world is a pretty great place that has a home for you. It will take more work than you thought imaginable but you will get there after putting in effort.
5) TV Manipulates You to Spend Money
Companies spend BILLIONS of dollars figuring out what makes you tick and what influences you. This is a form of manipulation. The thing about manipulation is that you don’t realize when it’s happening to you. Even if someone points out the manipulation, that’s when you vehemently deny it even more.
Companies understand that they can’t logic their way to get you to spend money. They emotionally manipulate you into doing so. How do they do it? Celebrity endorsements, actors who are their exact target demographic, etc. There’s a reason why no teenage actor shows up on screen to sell home equity lines of credits.
There’s very few teenagers who would get a HELOC, let alone know what they even is. Stop watching TV because they are very good at subconsciously influencing you to part with your money. Their livelihood and interests literally depend on you getting convinced at their message.
6) TV Makes You Less Social
Remember that the real world is better than the fake world? When you continue to watch TV and let TV consume your time, it makes you less social. There’s no need to go out and socialize with real life people because well, that’s a lot of effort. So you just stay home and watch TV because talking to people is a lot of work in the first place.
Stop watching TV because it’s keeping you from building real meaningful relationships. Your TV is not going to help you get a job, get through the hard times, or lend a helpful ear. You don’t want to wire your brain away from reality but towards it.
I will admit that it is great at teaching you how to be funny. I learned most of my humor from watching comedy shows like Friends or Big Bang Theory. However, what really separated me to being really great at humor is actually going out and talking to people.
Without actually talking to a real life person, I’m not funny even in the slightest bit.
7) TV Alters Your Brain
These days, the biggest enemy within our society is dopamine. Dopamine is this chemical in your brain that gives you a feeling of pleasure. It teaches you when something is good so that you can continue. Things like alcohol and gambling teaches your brain to continue doing it because it gives you pleasure.
It’s one of the reasons why drugs are very addictive. That extra jolt and boost of chemical into your brain almost forces you to continue doing what you’re doing. When you watch TV, your brain releases this chemical onto your brain that convinces you to come back to it a day later.
And so on and so on. It’s slowly wiring your brain into thinking that TV is a good thing and not a bad thing. It’s changing your brain chemicals into doing something that you might not have wanted to do otherwise. Stop watching TV and letting others control and brainwash you.
This is a form of legal brainwashing so no one is going to save you from yourself.
8) TV Forces Their Beliefs Onto You
There are instances where TV discourages your way of thinking into doing the opposite of its message. However, most of the time, we accept the TV’s message. Why is that? It’s an imbalance of power. When you just sit back and all you have to do is listen to whatever the TV box is telling you, you don’t think.
The default position is to just literally take in what was said, register in your brain, and life goes on as normal. You can’t ask questions to the one giving the message. When you don’t question things, you’re more likely to take in messages in as fact without pushback.
In a one-way communication such as TV, other people’s opinions, beliefs, and messages are forced onto you. You have no other choice but to take it as fact because well, it’s a one way communication. Stop watching TV because it influences your thought patterns much more than you give it credit for.
9) There’s More Important Things to do Than Watch TV

Even things like doing chores is a much more productive way for you to spend your time. My favorite days to do chores are on Monday – Thursday. Those are the days that I like cleaning the house, doing laundry, and dusting where needed. Why? The days are already almost gone anyway.
I protect Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as much as possible because those are valuable days. It’s when I get to spend time for myself rather than for somebody else. Time that I very much value. When you stop watching TV after work and just start doing chores, then you can enjoy your me time much more.
If you can’t stop watching TV because you don’t know of any other alternative activities, at the very least, do chores. That way, you can save valuable time for the weekend. You can enjoy your life doing things that you actually enjoy doing instead of devoting it to somebody else.
Doesn’t that sound like a good thing?
Stop Watching TV, It’s Ruining Your Life
The worst thing about watching TV is that you don’t know that it’s ruining your life until it’s too late. It will take decades before you realize that you wasted your time doing meaningless things. Stop watching TV because it is slowly deteriorating your life and time. Your life is meant for more things than to sit around and watch things.
You are meant to do much more meaningful things with your life than that. There are goals that you want to achieve. It’s not going to be done for you, you’re going to have to go out and earn them yourself. Once I started to not watch TV and actually allocate my time to meaningful projects, my productivity skyrocketed.
Not to the point where I’m exhausted but to the point where I am making progress. No, there’s no way that I can pop open a book after work and actually learn the message in the book. My brainpower is gone by that point. However, I do do things like do chores around the house so that I can spend my weekends the way that I want.
if it’s not chores, I go grocery shop and finish shopping for the week. Or talk to my family and friends and catch up. Or any one of a 146 other things that I can use to my advantage and gain an edge versus someone else. Stop watching TV. One of the reasons why you feel behind in life could be because of television.
If there’s something that you’re unhappy with in your life, change it. Don’t let others race past you to the finish line, get in the race yourself. It’s frustrating when you’re not getting to where you know you’re destined to be.
Why You Should Stop Watching TV List:
- You don’t win
- It ruins your eyes
- There’s better ways to relax
- You’re escaping reality
- TV manipulates you to spend money
- TV makes you less social
- TV alters your brain
- TV forces their beliefs onto you
- There’s more important things to do than watch TV
from #3:
This is a great idea, and it would also be polite to reciprocate, in appreciation to the massager. Good manners cost nothing!:-)
David, enjoyed this post, thank you. Am recalling a bit of trivia I picked up in the ’90s, some developing countries (India in particular) were making strong efforts to introduce broadcast, cable and satellite television to their large populations. The hypnotic effect of the programming had the result of helping governments with their goal of population control. Lastly, this line graph demonstrates a correlation between TV consumption and household income. In 1990, my broadcast aerial fell down and I never replaced it. My life has been better for it. Keeping good thoughts for your goals and cases, David!
…oops, here is the TV Consumption vs. Household Income graph…
I added the massage point because I have neck pain and I have to use the massager very frequently otherwise I get sharp shooting pains in my neck.
Whoa. I would say the graph is very accurate, my income seems to be very much in line compared to the hours of TV that I watch. I hadn’t realized TV had a side effect of population control. That’s very interesting.
Thanks for your kind words, JayCeezy! It’s always very appreciative!