The best value of motivation to a young student is that it sets them up for success. The earlier the motivation starts, the more everlasting it is throughout their lives. Intrinsic motivation is what separates the winners in the competition with the rest of the field.
I was in the fifth grade when my mom sat me down and told me that starting from middle school, I need to start doing better. Need. As in, have to. That’s when I started to be afraid. What’s going to happen if I don’t? Am I going to end up a nobody with no future prospects?
I didn’t like the sound of that. From then point on forward, I tried my best in everything that I did. I ended high school as the tennis team captain, graduated 4th out of 700+ kids, and excelled at extracurricular activities that I joined. There was no going back.
Then when college came around, I went even into more of an overdrive. I worked every single semester and interned every single summer. Then I graduated with a 3.82 GPA and there was no turning back. After graduation, the intrinsic motivation stuck with me and I still stayed with the motivation.
The value of motivation to a young student is invaluable because the earlier the motivation starts, the better off we will be later in life. The competitive nature of life is difficult to win. Everyone wants to win and there’s more people who wants to work even harder than what we’re doing to take our spot.
Motivation is hard for adults to get. It’s even better when a young student gets it.
Value of Motivation to a Young Student: 9 Benefits
Below are the 9 concrete benefits of the value of motivation to a young student.
1) It Helps Students Learn to Compete
They learn that life is not full of participation trophies. It shows that there are people out there who are better than us who wants the exact same things that we want. The value of motivation as a young student is that they learn how to compete against others and come out on top.
It feels great to know we earned our wins. Not been given handouts but we win through out own abilities and efforts. Handout wins just diminishes the win by itself. We want to know how we stack up against the world and the better we stack up, the better we feel.
When we have an idea and successfully execute on the idea, we know just how much we’re capable of. There are many who wants to take us down. Who would do anything to take our spot. it’s our time to shine and show the world that we deserve every last bit of the spot we earned.
Motivation, especially intrinsic motivation, is what allows us to compete in this world.
2) Value of Motivation to a Young Student: Reach Their Goals
Everyone should have goals. It doesn’t feel good to have no goals and to wander around life aimlessly. The value of motivation to a young student is that they get to reach their hopes, dreams, and goals all on their own. Even when their parents aren’t around.
The parents these days who give their children everything instead of making them earn it are doing their kids a disservice. My mom would cook for me every time and so when I had to cook when my parents were out of town, I was helpless. I didn’t even know how to figure out how to cook.
It feels amazing when we seek out goals and we reach them. Especially when the goals are difficult to achieve. My personal goal is to become a millionaire at some point. I just know that I can get there and I know when I get there, it feels so much better that I did everything myself.
With no outside help. It all started because I was more motivated than my peers. Intrinsic motivation doesn’t just go away one day.
3) It Starts Their Life on the Right Path Early
Comeback stories are great. We love a good comeback story. However, for their own life, it’s better to start off from neutral and reach the top than to start off from a negative position to reach the positive position. It’s difficult to get to the top in the first place.
If we can avoid starting from a negative position, why wouldn’t we? The value of motivation to a young student is that it sets them on a path to greatness early on in life. It gives them a head start without them even realizing it. And it doesn’t cost a dime to get that head start.
There’s many of my friends who are just OK working the job, going home, and taking a couple of vacations per year. I personally can’t live that life myself. Because I decided that I wanted to make something of my life more than my friends, I try as hard as I can to work on my goals.
I’m so glad that my life started on the right path early on in life. I can’t imagine what I would do if I was at a worse position than where I am today. I have no desire to be in the bottom 99%.
4) Motivation Compounds Throughout Life
Intrinsic motivation sticks with you. When we are motivated by our parents, teachers, and bosses telling us what to do, we are left holding the bag when they are no longer around. They can’t babysit us 24/7. It’s our life. We are the only person in our lives who will be there 24/7/365.
The value of motivation to a young student is that the motivation compounds throughout our lives especially when it comes from within. Without anyone telling us that we should do something. We want to do something. One good decision leads to another.
And another and another. Not only do we end up doing well in school and extracurricular activities, we end up doing well at our jobs. At our side hustles. And at our investments. When we get to our late 20s and early 30s is when we see the true differentiation between peers.
That’s when we know that our motivation and hard work paid off big time.
5) Motivation Teaches them the Value of Hard Work
There’s no getting around it. To be successful, we need to work hard. The first level of success is hard work while the next level of success is working smart. The value of motivation to a young student is it teaches them the value of hard work and be productive members of society.
When we are young is when we have the most energy. After a decade+ of working hard, I personally don’t have the energy in me to work as hard as I did in my younger days. However, when we are young, we are meant to earn as much money as we can.
There is no successful person who got to the top without hard work. Even Elon Musk, the richest person in the world, works 80 hours per week. Even though he already proved himself and has no need to work as hard as he does.
Hard work is a good personal characteristic in this world. We are meant to have a sense of purpose.
6) It Helps Them be Productive Members of Society
There’s no need to be maximizing productivity all the time. We, as humans, need rest, relaxation, and fun once in a while. However, that doesn’t mean that our productivity should be zero. The value of motivation to a young student is that it teaches them to be productive members of society.
Even though humans are self interested individuals, we still love doing things for others. Businesses provide a service for others to benefit and gain joy from. Everything we do is about providing a valuable service to the end customer.
It doesn’t feel good to not be productive members of society. When I sprained my ankle, I was taking sick days and put me out of work for a solid week. Then it made me feel so bad that I didn’t have the capability to be a productive member of society. It’s one thing to not be productive by choice.
But it’s even worse when the capability is taken away from us in the first place. We enjoy contributing and being productive to society.
7) Value of Motivation to a Young Student: It Teaches Persistence
Nothing in this world comes easy. Even the ones who had all the advantages in the world had to work hard to get to the top. Novak Djokovic, the arguably most talented tennis player in the world, was blessed with good genes that allowed him to be healthy up to his mid 30s.
However, even then, he had to work to figure out how to get his body to perform the best. He worked endlessly and tirelessly to figure out which foods agreed with his body, which training regimen was the best for his style of play, and worked endlessly to perfect his craft.
He persevered, even though he wanted to quit tennis numerous times in his career. Persistence is what separates the winners from the losers. Nothing in this life comes easy because we’re all competing for the things that are worth competing for.
I’m on the 8th year of my wealth building journey and I want to give up. However, I never will. The value of motivation to a young student is it teaches the value of persistence.
8) Better Quality of Life
The motivated ones enjoy a better quality of life than unmotivated ones because they’re willing to get off the couch and make something of their lives. They earn the fruits of the labor and they reap what they sow. The value of motivation to a young student is that they enjoy a better quality of life.
No one ever hands them anything and they learn they have to earn everything they make. Every penny of it. It’s much better to live a life independently than depend on someone else for their survival. We would rather be disappointed through our own choices than to depend on someone else to let us down.
The unmotivated ones get paid very little, are passed over for promotions, and do not accomplish much in their lives. With that comes little reward. With little reward comes a low quality of life. The ones who accomplishes great things and make things happen enjoy a good quality of life.
I personally enjoy a good quality of life, not worrying about where my next meal is going to come from, because I was motivated to make things happen with my life.
9) Motivation Dictates Their Actions
Intrinsic motivation dictates our actions more effectively than external motivation. When someone else tells us what to do, we don’t like it. Sometimes, we do it when we have no other choice but we still don’t like it. When we’re motivated to work because we want to and not when we have to, good things happen.
The value of motivation to a young student is that it gives them the desire to pursue success themselves. Because I was motivated to achieve success starting from a young age, I kept up the motivation throughout my life. Everything I do is because I want to do these actions.
Not because someone else wants me to do these actions. I got to a $500k net worth at 28 because I was motivated to move up in life and build wealth. The motivation stuck with me throughout the decades and not just years. When we want to do something out of our own free will, it works out.
The desire to achieve something out of our own free will is a wonderful thing.
Value of Motivation to a Young Student: My Story
Due to my mom scaring me from an early age, I learned the value of motivation to a young student. Even though I was too young to understand just how pivotal of a moment that was, I’m so glad my younger self got whipped into shape at just 11 years old.
Since that moment, I tried my best in everything that I did. My friends all call me try hards and think I put in too much effort. I don’t care, I want to go out swinging by putting in as much effort as I can in everything that I do.
I make $200k+ just in my 20s, alone. When many of my prior bosses was making that in their 50s. I built a net worth of $500k+ at just 28 and want to grow that even more. There’s no need for me to stop, either. I’m going to keep going until I reach my goal of the millionaire status.
The value of motivation to a young student is immense. There’s nothing better than being intrinsically motivated to pursue a goal and achieve it. It’s not an easy path but once you reach it, it just feels so much better that you took the risk and got there at the end.
No one truly understands the value of motivation to a young student because everything starts when we’re young. Our futures are pretty much already determined from a young age because of compound effort. What we are today is the accumulation of choices made from when we were teenagers.
Starting early is key.
Value of Motivation to a Young Student: It’s for a Better Future
The world is a very competitive world with an infinite number of people competing for the prize. With globalization, it’s become that much harder to compete against our immigrant counterparts. The value of motivation to a young student is a lot because their future is at stake.
The stereotype of millennials moving back in with their parents after graduation is real. There are many young millennials today who think the world owes them something and refuses to take ownership and responsibility for their own actions. It’s just not good.
Their motivation didn’t start from a young age and they are content with going about life without having anything of value of quality. That’s not a good future and doesn’t bode well for the parents or the kids. The value of motivation to a young student is necessary.
We don’t have to be the top of the world and become billionaires. However, at the very least, we should be self sustaining and set our own paths for our lives. We should be independent and not dependent on someone else to take care of our own problems.
One of my boss’ kids graduated from college and one of the most prestigious universities in the world yet she doesn’t have a job and doesn’t look for a job, either. She’s now living with her parents. There is some joy that comes from creating a good future for ourselves.
The sense of pride that comes from that feels amazing.
Value of Motivation to a Young Student: 9 Benefits Shortlist
- It helps students learn to compete
- Value of motivation to a young student: reach their goals
- It starts their life on the right path early
- Motivation compounds throughout life
- Motivation teaches them the value of hard work
- It helps them be productive members of society
- Value of motivation to a young student: it teaches persistence
- Better quality of life
- Motivation dictates their actions