There are so many people who want to be rich. Becoming rich is not a complicated thing to accomplish. However, it is a very time consuming thing to pursue. I’ve been there (and still are) and wondered how to be a wealthy person so many times. I would read media articles, personal finance blogs, 10+ money books, and watch Youtube videos to understand.
After reading the methods and actually applying the lessons to my actual life, I understand now. If you want to be rich, you can take purposeful steps to become one. The steps are simple such as save more money, invest, negotiate a raise, start a side hustle, take action, and do it for years.
The steps I mentioned are not rocket science but are things that you can start doing today. I was your own personal guinea pig who is making meaningful progress towards financial independence. The steps I recommend below are tried and true steps I personally used.
Few will actually use the steps that I mentioned. It’s one thing to want something. That’s half the battle. It’s a completely another thing to go out and implement the steps.
I am someone who actually has firsthand experience on the road to acquiring wealth. Not someone who wants to sell you a course or to buy his seminars. All that I ask is for you to SMASH that share button so that your friends can know how to be wealthy 😊 . Why should you smash that share button?
Well for the Google algorithm named BERT, of course! BERT really likes it when everyone gets along on the internet. He loves when knowledge is shared and so, please, if you could DESTROY that share button, BERT would appreciate it.
Six Things To Do
The problem with other articles giving advice on what to do if you want to be rich is that most involve starting a business. While it is possible to start a successful business, it is the riskiest form of building wealth. The rewards may be greater, but the chances of you going broke are high as well.
I will be recommending steps that you can start taking today, instead of steps that require preparatory work. The things that require preparatory work is too complex for me to break down.
The following six things are things that anyone can do. There are no excuses to not doing these six things because they require no skill. They just require effort. There will be zero get rich quick schemes recommended on my blog. Only the ones that the average Joe can accomplish and realistically do.
I just know that you have the willpower to consistently apply these steps to your own life. I encourage you to take the steps to heart and check back every so often to see if you are applying them to your life.
It will be amazing what you can accomplish in one or two years, let alone a decade.
Want to Be Rich Action #1: Save Money
The first and number one thing that you have to do if you want to be rich is to save more money. The United States savings rate is around 13% as of November 2020. While that is better than the historical average of 5 – 10%, that’s still not enough.
Saving only 13% of your salary will result in you working for at least 2 decades. Even after the two decades are up, there’s a good chance you won’t be financially independent.
Figure out a way to cut expenses more and trim the fat. There are ways such as cutting the cord, buying a cheaper car, or renting a cheaper place. The place that I rent is in one of the most expensive zip codes on the entire state.
However, my friends that live in the area pay an eye watering amount to live. Why? They don’t know how to find good deals. Good deals are everywhere, you just have to go find it. Even if it may take a couple months for good deals to pop up, the time you invest on cutting expenses is worth it.
Find a way to save more money. I have yet to meet someone who couldn’t have saved more money. Trust me, there’s a way to optimize your finances even more. If you want to be rich, save more money.
Want to Be Rich Action #2: Invest Money

Money is one of the best employees that you can have. It doesn’t complain, ask for vacations, or have needs. To make money, the sad truth is that you need money. Money makes money that makes more money which makes more money.
As you get more and more employees by saving money, the employees will then in turn work their butts off so you can have more. There is nothing wrong with having excess cash in your wallet.
I am not a licensed investment professional and I am not acting as your fiduciary. Therefore you should do your own research. However, I do recommend buying the broad market index as a part of your portfolio. On average, it has returned 7 – 10% over the past forty years.
When I first started out, I scoffed at 7 – 10% annual returns. However, you soon start to realize that 7 – 10% yearly returns is a large amount. Consistently generating those returns is a surefire way to acquire more wealth.
Want to Be Rich Action #3: Negotiate a Raise
You can’t save more money unless you make more money. Negotiating is not difficult to do. Always winning in negotiating is very difficult to do, if not impossible. The worst that you can do in negotiating a raise is that they will tell you no or give you reasons why they are saying no.
During your yearly reviews is when you can figure out and gauge what your standing is with your bosses. Remember that every department within a company is run with a budget. Finding out the timing of when the budget is used is important. Otherwise your ask may be too late.
I’ve personally negotiated a 25% salary increase before from $88,000 to $110,000. Life was so much better after negotiating that increase. I didn’t take on extra responsibilities, either. Which means that I was doing the same thing for 25% more pay.
That’s when life becomes sweet. In life, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. Continue practicing and you will get there.
Want to Be Rich Action #4: Start a Side Hustle
We are living in the age of technology, people! Where things that you want to buy can be done at the touch of a button. One thing that business executives have realized is that people are more than willing to pay for convenience. Actually, the argument is that people are willing to overpay for convenience.
My local grocery store charges anywhere between $5 to $15 to deliver your groceries. What! $15 an hour is what people are about to make as minimum wage. So how is it that my grocery store can charge that much for less than an hour’s work!
It’s astonishing. After speaking with the grocery store manager, he’s mentioned how that part of the business skyrocketed since the pandemic. People are more than willing to pay for convenience.
What does this mean for you? You can work to be a Favor assistant, an Uber driver, or a Taskrabbit provider. If you want to be rich, start a side hustle.
It’s easier than ever to start a side hustle and earn extra money. For me, my side hustle is this blog. It is taking a lot longer time than I thought to invest into the blog.
It’s not even a side hustle because of how fun it is, but I digress.
Want to Be Rich Action #5: Take Action

None of the knowledge that I mentioned here matters if you don’t apply the steps. Going out and actually doing it is what matters. Don’t be a part of the people who want to be rich. Be a part of the people who are rich.
I guarantee that the rich does either one or more of the things I mentioned today. The company that you work for no doubt saves as much money as they possibly can. I bet they negotiated with you on your salary, as well.
What this means is that these steps work. It’s not just theoretical things that you can do. It has worked in the past and it will work in the future.
I implement all of the steps that I’ve mentioned. The knowledge isn’t just copied over from another website that I read. It’s worked with real tangible results and I want you to squeeze value out of them as well.
Firsthand experience is the best kind of experience to impart knowledge on. I can personally attest and put my label and brand behind it.
Want to Be Rich Action #6: Do It For Years
So many people quit just when things are about to get juicy. I’ve regretfully done that so many times, myself. This isn’t the first blog that I started. The first blog I started actually failed after 7 months. I was unwilling to put more effort into it. How embarrassing!
I can’t imagine how big the blog could have been if I consistently put in content 3x a week. Well no more. These days, I refuse to give up as quickly. Giving up means that you lost not because of external factors. It means that you lost because of you.
The lesson applies to personal finance as well. You will only lose if you give up saving as much money as you can. What the personal finance bloggers don’t tell you is how irritating it feels. When the reason that you can’t go out to restaurants is yourself, you get mad at yourself.
If all your wants are denied over years and years, you start to question why you are doing it. That’s why it’s important to have fun money in your budget. So that you can actually enjoy the journey instead of wallowing in misery.
If you want to be rich, you have to stick with it over the long term. People underestimate just how long the “long term” actually feels. I’ll be here providing you support should you need it over the journey.
You Can Do It

We are living in a developed world. I would argue that is a GREAT lottery to have won. I am so thankful that I do not live in North Korea where only one person truly wins. There was no way I could have gotten rich in North Korea, let alone escape it. I am thankful that I live in a capitalist society and not a communist society.
Due to my living circumstances, I was able to amass a $300,000 fortune. If I can do it, anybody else can. There is a chance that I might fail. I will be documenting and presenting my journey all throughout my blog and be transparent.
Anyone in America can truly become rich, no matter their upbringing or background. The American dream is still alive and well. There are unlimited amounts of free information in the world. The tools are out there so you can learn how to become rich.
Now it’s just a matter of are you willing to put in the effort. The first half of the journey is knowing how to get there. The second half of the journey is actually getting there. You can easily save an extra $2 – $300 a month to be wealthier. The question is are you willing to?
I can’t wait until you progress through your journey. The millionaire life is waiting for you and is just around the corner. The freedom that comes with becoming a millionaire is a huge bonus. It is more valuable than you think, don’t discount it. If you want to be rich, make sure to think about the end goal and motivations as well. One day you will get there.
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Gable! First and foremost, I appreciate you swinging by and taking a look. I really appreciate it.
Second, I’m a fairly new blogger and I actually am in the works to figure out how to add subscription to my blog. As soon as it does, I will let you know! For reference, I post a post every Monday and Friday at 8:30AM CT / 9:30AM ET.
Also, if you ever need or want to reach out to me, my email is open for you at I hope this helps. Thanks for poking around!