Winners focus on winning losers focus on others because it’s their number one objective. Winners don’t care if others win or lose, they care if they themselves win. After all, the pie is big enough for everyone to win. Life is not a zero sum game. Everyone can eat at the table.
Mark Cuban was fired from 3 straight jobs by the age of 25. His friends were graduating, getting six figure investment banking job offers, and some were even getting married. Not him. He was dirt poor and had no money to rely upon. His dad installed upholstery in cars.
Which meant he grew up in a middle class family. If he failed, he had no way to get back to his original life. Failure was not an option for him because he had no other choice. Then he worked his way up to a whopping $4B net worth today. He didn’t focus on his friends getting six figure jobs.
He focused on winning himself because he was born to be a winner. Winners focus on winning and losers focus on others. There’s no reason for jealousy to consume and/or take over your life. Comparison is the thief of joy. You have your own life to worry about, instead of focusing on others.
Jeff Bezos’ famous advice to business owners is to focus on the customer, not about what your competitors are doing. While you are focused on your competitors, your competitor is focused on their customers and how better they can service them.
Who do you think will win?
Why Winners Focus on Winning
Winners focus on winning because they focus on SMASHING that social share button and posting to their favorite social media! We want everyone to be winners and to better their lives. We can all eat together instead of hoarding just a little for ourselves.
So with that said, let’s go over why winners just focus on winning!
1) Winners Don’t Need to Compare Themselves to Others
Comparing yourself to others is just a zero sum game. Either you feel superior to them and you flaunt your superiority to their face, worsening the relationship. Or you feel inferior to them and you try to take them down, worsening the relationship. Comparison is the thief of joy.
This is the biggest reason why winners focus on winning. They don’t care if others win because if others do win, it means the pie got bigger. There’s greater rewards to chase after and they are genuinely happy for other people’s success. Afterwards, they know it’s time to get to work.
There’s a reason why the Joneses declared bankruptcy. Even the Joneses can’t keep up with the Joneses. Their mansion was listed in the auction lost in bankruptcy. Comparing yourself to others is just a losing game in which the only one who wins are the companies who sold those goods to you.
Winners focus on winning and losers focus on others.
2) There is Enough Opportunity for Everyone
The pie is not a zero sum game. Your gain doesn’t mean someone else’s loss and your loss doesn’t mean someone else’s gain. Although opportunities aren’t infinite, it doesn’t mean that there’s so much limited opportunities that you have to stomp on someone else’s throat to get it.
Enron’s culture was cutthroat where if you’re not stepping over someone else, you will be stepped upon. They had a “win at all costs” culture. They declared bankruptcy for a reason. It may work well in the short term in getting results. It yields poor results when looking at it over the long term.
One of my mentors that I used to talk to told me his greatest regret was that he wasn’t “collaborative” enough when he was working as an employee. Which leads me to believe that he would at times backstab in order to move up. Which, I’m not judging him for, but it is one of his regrets.
Winners focus on winning because there’s no need to step on anyone else to get to the top. It’s possible.
3) They Stay True to Themselves
If people focus on others, then they eventually become those others after focusing on them so much. Winners focus on winning and not on others because they stay true to themselves. By trying to copy and paying attention to what others are doing, they lose their originality.
Once they lose originality, they lose their original followers. Ever since I started my Twitter account, I’ve noticed once my personality changes through my tweets, I lose original followers. You reached success because of who you are. Not because you were someone else.
People don’t support you and you’re not winning because you’re not someone else. People support you because of what makes you, you. Winners focus on winning losers focus on others. You don’t want to lose your original supporters because they’re the ones who stuck by you through their loyalty.
You are unique and special and let’s keep it that way.
4) Winners Focus on Winning Because They’re Born to Win
You just know and feel it in every part of your body if you’re a winner and is born to win. It’s not something that you think, it’s something that you just know and feel it to be true. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you haven’t felt it yet.
It’s goosebumps at the very thought of you competing against others. Winners focus on winning and losers focus on others because they’re just born and wired to be that way. It’s not about natural talent but rather about confidence and belief in your abilities and skills.
You just know when you are destined and born to do great things. No matter what other people say. No matter how low other people’s expectations of you are. You just know it when you are different than everyone else. When you just have that hook and ability to navigate through the intricacies of life.
And come out on top by the end.
5) Winners are Goal Oriented
They don’t have dreams, they have goals they have to reach. Goals are mostly moving targets in which your goals change every time you reach one goal. Winners focus on their goals because they know the next step they have to take in order to level up and move up in life.
Winners focus on winning and losers focus on others. Specifically, when it comes to goals. They don’t have hopes and dreams, they have actions they need to implement today in order to get to the top. It’s good to have dreams but in order to make those dreams a reality, you need goals.
A step by step action plan in order to get there. Otherwise, it’s not a dream. It’s a fantasy. I have a gigantic desire to be a millionaire. Therefore, I am taking all of the necessary steps in order to get there like saving and investing as much money as I possibly can.
Every year is an opportunity for you to reach your goals.
6) Their Motivation is on Winning, Not Making Others Lose
There are people out there who believe, “it’s not enough that I should succeed. It’s that others should fail as well”. That’s too cutthroat and has the highest chances of it not working out in the long run. With this mentality, other people will avoid them. Whether we like it or not, we need other people to succeed.
In order for us to succeed. A business owner cannot win if their employees are starving. Employees cannot win if their employer is losing money hand over fist. Winners focus on winning and losers focus on others. Losers can’t help but try to force others to lose in order to come out on top.
Then when no one shows up to their hospital or to help take care of them, they wonder what they did wrong. Then they wonder why their employees are leaving them. Making others lose means that they are your enemies. The more enemies you have, the harder you life becomes.
You don’t want to have many people who are actively trying to take you down. It’s just not a fun life.
7) Winners Don’t Get Distracted
Winners focus on winning and losers focus on others because winners don’t get distracted. They ignore the media because they don’t care about a baby koala in China being kidnapped by bad people. They don’t get distracted by news that they can’t control or profit from.
The outside world is just noise to them. They focus on what they can control and what they can contribute to help. Anything else is unnecessary information to them because they can’t use it to their advantage. They have more important things to worry and care about.
Winners are hyper focused on their goals so much that they don’t let others distract them. I rarely watch TV shows anymore unless it can both entertain and make me learn something at the same time. I learned about humor from watching Big Bang Theory and Friends.
Then I learned about negotiation from watching Suits and Breaking Bad. However, others shows haven’t excited me. Distractions are what ruins winners.
8) Winning is Fun
Winners focus on winning and losers focus on others because winners know just how fun winning actually is. The feeling you get from having an opinion and thought about something and actually get proven right is a feeling that just can’t be beat.
Or when you get that job offer that comes with a whopping 30% raise that you never thought was possible. Or when you start a business and while everyone tells you it’s going to fail, you succeed into heights no one thought was possible.
Winning is a ton of fun and many don’t understand how great it feels to actually win. The taste of victory and success isn’t something to ignore. The day that my net worth crossed the $400,000 mark is when I felt my good money habits pay off. That something that I did was actually working in reality.
That’s when I knew that all of my hard work wasn’t in vain. It felt absolutely amazing for me to keep doing what I’ve been doing.
Winners Focus on Winning
Winners focus on winning and losers focus on winners and this will never change. The losers are too focused on what others are doing that they don’t focus on what they’re doing. The winners are too focused on winning that they don’t waste time focusing on what others are doing.
Therefore, losers will keep losing and the winners will keep winning. Too many people waste time figuring out what others are doing that they forget to create their own successes themselves. It’s a cycle that can’t be broken until the losers change their way of thinking.
Until they focus on their own successes, actions, and luck, they can’t create their own success. Many of my financial independence blogger friends are wealthy. Some have done way more impressive things at a much bigger scale than me and I will never be able to catch up to their achievements.
However, that is great for them. Until they ring that bell, I’m still in the ring and I’m never going to give up on creating my own successes. It’s not even about the money at this point, it’s about the journey to get to where I want and need to be.
To where I know I can be if I just put in the effort and spend the time it takes to get there. Winners focus on winning and losers focus on winners. You don’t want to wonder where all that time went while others race past you. You want to remain fiercely independent so that you can stand on your own two feet.
Your life depends on it.
Why Winners Focus on Winning Shortlist:
- Winners don’t need to compare themselves to others
- There is enough opportunity for everyone
- They stay true to themselves
- Winners focus on winning because they’re born to win
- Winners are goal oriented
- Their motivation is on winning, not making others lose
- Winners don’t get distracted
- Winning is fun